Odin is not seen in the God of War franchise, but he influences events in spectacular ways. He will play a bigger role than ever in God of War Ragnarok, and it is likely that players will finally have to face the shadowy figure. His unquenchable thirst for knowledge and his endless capacity for cruelty make him a dangerous god, and it is impossible to tell whether Kratos or Atreus have what it takes to defeat him.

God of War Ragnarok will hopefully answer many questions that fans have been pondering for years, and the fate of many characters will finally be revealed. Epic events are set to unfold, as Fimbulwinter signals the coming of the apocalyptic events of Ragnarok. The battles that await Kratos and Atreus will likely be their most massive yet.

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Odin the Unseen Puppeteer

God of War Ragnarok Freya Cover

Although Odin does not appear in 2018's God of War, he has a huge influence, and in many ways he sets in motions the events of God of War Ragnarok. Odin is an extremely powerful figure that rules over the Nine Realms. He is the father of many gods, including Thor, Baldur, and Tyr, to name a few, and he has had a relationship with Freya.

Gamers learn about Odin from Mimir, who had been imprisoned and tortured by him for many years. According to Mimir, Odin is a cruel and malevolent figure who is obsessed with obtaining knowledge and collecting prophecies. To gain more knowledge of the Nine Realms, he sends his ravens to spy all over the lands. His knowledge makes him a dangerous foe, though it also causes him to become paranoid about anything that could possibly threaten him.

He fears that Kratos' arrival in the Norse realm will bring about Ragnarok, a series of apocalyptic events that trigger the death of several gods, and he strives to defeat Kratos before it happens. Consequently, he sends Baldur, Magni, and Modi to kill Kratos, though they fail. This has not caused Odin to give up, and he has sent Thor to finish the job. Armed with his mighty Mjolnir hammer, Thor will likely prove to be a far more formidable foe for Kratos and his son.

All Roads Lead to Odin in God of War Ragnarok


Although the God of War franchise borrows heavily from mythology, Santa Monica always throws in its own ideas to tell a unique story. This appears to be the case with Odin who has some parallels with his counterpart in Norse mythology but is different in many ways. Like the mythological Odin, the figure in God of War is very wise and seemingly omniscient. However, in mythology, Odin is a heroic being who oversees Valhalla where he awaits valiant warriors who die in battle. Conversely, Ragnarok's Odin is a darker being with more antagonistic aims.

As the latest trailer revealed, the upcoming game will see Atreus taking on more of a leadership role, and Kratos trusts him enough to follow. If the game is anything like Norse mythology, and Atreus behaves like his counterpart Loki, he may be gathering an army to battle against Odin. According to mythology, Odin is defeated during the battles of Ragnarok by Fenrir the giant wolf, who is Loki's son. In the State of Play trailer, a giant wolf is at Atreus' side, suggesting that he may have Fenrir around to help him out. It appears that a showdown with Odin is inevitable, though it remains to be seen whether it will be Kratos' fight or Atreus'.

God of War Ragnarok is easily one of the most highly anticipated games of this year, and there are many burning God of War questions remaining. Fans nervously question Kratos' fate, as the previous game contained an ominous prophecy foretelling of his death. Whether the father and son duo will be able to defeat odds and defy fate remains to be seen.

God of War Ragnarok is scheduled to release on November 9, on PS4 and PS5.

MORE: God of War: Ragnarok – Every Major Plot Point Revealed in The Trailer