Kratos has come a long way from killing every god that crosses his path. With God of War: Ragnarok, he seeks a peaceful resolution to the brewing conflict, and as such, sees many famed Norse Gods present in the God of War franchise. Whether they knock on his door, or he knocks on theirs, Kratos will do anything to defy fate, and keep his son, Atreus, safe.

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The path for Kratos after killing every Greek God in the God of War series is demanding, yet with his compassionate son at his side, he is ready. There are many Norse gods present in God of War: Ragnarok and those that are will be ranked on their abilities, respect, and power.

Spoilers Ahead for God of War: Ragnarok

11 Magni And Modi

Magni and Modi God of War

Magni and Modi are ranked at the bottom of the Aesir gods for a reason. It's unfortunate to see the sons of Thor regarded so poorly, but it just goes to show how little they care about their god-kin. Even Odin, the grandfather of Magni and Modi declares them "kind of useless."

Magni and Modi had a lot to prove, and live up to when it came to their role as gods. They were the sons of the beloved and violent Thor, who often abused them into becoming destroyers, much like he regarded himself.

10 Lady Sif


As one of the more Higher classes Aesir gods, Sif has since turned her back on her ways after the death of her boys, Magni and Modi. She spends her time trying to keep her daughter, Thrud, safe while keeping her husband Thor on the straight path, free from the alcohol that plagued them both.

Sif harbors a justifiable grudge against Atreus, considering the boy that killed her sons is Odin's new favorite. However, Sif does nothing more than become vocal about her displeasure, rather than take action herself.

9 Tyr

kratos and freya with the real tyr

There was a lot of mystery built into what Tyr would be like in God of War: Ragnarok. The Norse god had been teased throughout God of War (2018), with his travels across the world being a major revelation for where the God of War franchise could go next.

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When players finally meet Tyr in God of War: Ragnarok, he is almost a shell of the god he was. He swears off violence and seems to make his allies doubt their plans. However, this could be for good reason, as perhaps Tyr is not whom he seems.

8 Freyr


As a Vanir god, Freyr has a rightful hatred of the Aesir. Not only have they burned and tortured him, and ravished Vanaheim with war, but they have also forced his sister into a marriage with the cruel Odin. Freyr may have not seen his sister Freya in years, but that doesn't mean he does not fight for her.

When players meet Freyr, he is somewhat strict and reliant on others. Either the years of this fight have made him tired, or he was never the warrior and heroic god the people of Alfheim saw him as. That won't stop Freyr from trying, and if need be, sacrificing himself.

7 Thrud

Thrud and Atreus in God of War Ragnarok

The daughter of Thor and Sif has a lot to live up to. She wants to become a Valkarie, gain her grandfather's approval, and honor the memory of her slain brothers. Thrud is still a child in God of War: Ragnarok, and thus she has much to learn, but that doesn't stop her from trying her hardest.

Thrud is trusting, and willing to see the good in everyone. She has no superiority complex, nor the cruelty of her father. If there's one thing Thrud wants, it's to make her father proud.

6 Baldur

God of War Baldur

The man that can feel no pain, nor touch or taste for that matter. Baldur is Odin's best tracker. Or more importantly, he was, until Kratos snapped the man's neck after weakening him from mistletoe. Baldur's death began Fimbulwinter, and as such, the road to Ragnarok itself.

Baldur was a greatly important god. Not only to the Aesir, or the grieving and vengeful mother, Freya, but as a reminder to Atreus, to be better.

5 Heimdall

Heimdall in God of War Ragnarok

Surprisingly enough, Heimdall is not the god of being a jerk, although he certainly excels at it. Heimdall is one of those characters that audiences love to hate, and he's masterfully played. Heimdall is a great warrior and ally to Odin, and perhaps the truest believer of his cause.

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Heimdall can predict every move someone makes, and knows every true thought inside them. This makes Heimdall a grand threat, due to his ability to see everything before it happens.

4 Thor

thor ragnarok

The God of Thunder is a destroyer and has committed many atrocities across the Nine Realms. From his genocide of the giants of Jotunheim to his lust for alcohol and a good fight. Thor is ruthless, but he's trying to be a better father in the wake of Magni and Modi's deaths.

Thor is perhaps Odin's greatest ally. Not for his mind, but for his power. Odin belittles and abuses his son into doing his bidding, and seems more like a dog to Odin than a son. That doesn't stop Thor from being utterly ruthless.

3 Freya

God of War Freya

Freya has a lot of anger festering inside her. However, she does not allow it to overcome who she truly is. Freya was married to Odin, a husband who saw her eternal imprisonment and exile to Midgard. Freya then had to watch her son Baldur die at the hands of Kratos, robbing her of the decision.

Freya in God of War: Ragnarok is someone who has begun a long path to redemption, and trust. The former Valkyrie Queen has great powers and her magic abilities are great, and only grow as she walks the righteous path with Kratos and Atreus.

2 Odin

God of War Ragnarok Odin-3

Everyone wants the attention of the All-Father. Odin seems always busy and never has enough time for everyone. He has the respect and love of his Aesir gods and the fear of everyone else in the Nine Realms.

Odin is an intensely powerful being, with a demand for knowledge of all the happenings and goings in the Nine Realms, as well as beyond it. Odin may not seem like it, but he is a very capable fighter in weaponry, both physical and magical, and as cunning as he is cruel and selfish.

1 Loki


As the son of Kratos, Loki has a lot of self-discovery to make in God of War: Ragnarok. The loss of his mother and the growing relationship with his father prove Loki is a great god, and Kratos wants one thing for the boy, for him to be better.

It's a running theme in the Norse God of War titles, and it works like a charm. Loki has great powers and skills, which will only grow as he continues his path of self-discovery. With his father's teachings, Loki is ready to brave the Nine Realms and beyond.

God of War: Ragnarok is available now on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

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