Few franchises in PlayStation's stable have maintained popularity over multiple gaming generations the way God of War has. Since the first game was released in 2005 on the PS2, the God of War games have provided gamers with adrenaline-raising action and battles so epic they involve gods and monstrously huge dragons. Games in the series have taken place in varied locations and have drawn from different mythological influences. However, one constant that has never changed is the games' focus on Kratos, a Spartan warrior with an unquenchable rage.

With the release of God of War (2018) on PC, more gamers have been exposed to the relentlessly high-energy gameplay of the series. Gamers can also look forward to God of War Ragnarok, which will continue Kratos' story with his son, Atreus. Although Kratos has remained the protagonist of every game from the first up until God of War Ragnarok, his appearance has changed significantly over the years.

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Kratos the Spartan Warrior

god of war kratos

Kratos is one of the most recognizable characters associated with PlayStation. He is hard to miss due to his Stoic demeanor that only shifts when he is possessed by rage. He can be hardheaded and stubborn, and when he sets his eyes on a goal, he will allow nothing to stop him. This is a good trait, as it drives him to persevere at all costs, but it also leads him down dark paths when he single-mindedly pursues revenge. Kratos is not all rage and vengeance, however, and there are a select few individuals he cares for.

During the Greek mythology era of the God of War series, Kratos' appearance does not change much. Kratos, in Greek mythology, is a figure that is the personification of strength. This is a fitting name for God of War's Kratos, who is impressively brawny. He is bald, sports a pointy goatee, and most notably, his skin is powdery white. As is explained in the first God of War game, when Kratos was facing defeat at the hands of barbarian hordes, he called on the Grecian God of War Ares. Kratos was gifted with the Blades of Chaos, and he was able to defeat his enemies. Ares is no friend of Kratos, however, and the god tricks Kratos into killing his wife and daughter. Consequently, a village oracle curses Kratos to bear a mark reminding him of his misdeeds. As the narrator explains, "with that curse, all would know him for the beast he had become, his skin white with the ash of his dead family."

Kratos also has red markings on his body. The red markings are tattoos that Kratos etches on himself after he loses his brother, Deimos, and it is in the shape of Deimos' birthmark. The tattoo, as the narrator explains, "would become a somber reminder for the man who would become a god." It remains on show almost always because Kratos wears minimal armor. His outfit consists of a toga-like skirt, and leg and arm guards. He also wields his Blades of Chaos, which has chains that wrap around his forearms.

Overall, Kratos is a character who appears indomitable and has a stare mean enough to terrify monsters. His muscles are not just for show and his disagreeable demeanor is not a mere facade. The character's visual design, much better than paragraphs of texts could, communicates to gamers that he is a pillar of rage that is capable of tremendous destruction.

Kratos Gets Rebooted

kratos and atreus scatter ashes in god of war

With God of War (2018), Santa Monica Studio decided to reboot the God of War series. The game shuns the fixed camera used in previous games in favor of a third-person over-the-shoulder camera that provides a far more cinematic experience. While the previous camera perspective allowed players to deal with dense waves of enemies coming from all angles, combat is much more up-close and personal in God of War (2018), which gives every punch and strike an extra bit of oomph. The game also leaps out of Greek mythology and dives into the world of Norse mythology.

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Kratos' appearance changes in a few key ways compared to the Kratos of the Greek mythology era of the series. He looks older, reminding players that some significant amount of time has passed. Instead of just a goatee, he has a sizable beard that covers most of his lower face. His armor is similar to his previous get-up, and Kratos' default outfit features a Spartan skirt, leg guards, and gloves. Although Kratos later regains his Blades of Chaos, he begins his adventure in the Nine Realms with the hefty Leviathan ax, which he can throw and recall.

Like the previous version of Kratos, God of War (2018)'s Kratos is a gruff, burly warrior with intimidatingly large muscles and a menacing expression. Although he appears to be calmer than his younger self, he still seems capable of terrifying violence if provoked.

Kratos in God of War Ragnarok

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The next installment in the God of War series is God of War Ragnarok, and it is scheduled to release in 2022. It takes place after the events of 2018's God of War. In Ragnarok, Kratos and Atreus go searching for the Norse God of War Tyr, but this proves to be a difficult task, as Freya and Thor are hot on their trail and seeking revenge.

Comparing Ragnarok's Kratos to the original design reveals that many aspects of Kratos' appearance remain unchanged. He still sports red tattoos, and he still has the same powdery white skin. These aspects serve as a reminder of Kratos' history and the events that have made him the man he is. He has not lost an iota of muscle, and he remains the bulky Spartan warrior that he was in his original design.

There are a few differences, however. Most notably, Kratos seems to be a little more dressed up. This is not unexpected since God of War Ragnarok's title is a reference to Fimbulwinter, an event that ends with Ragnarok. According to Norse mythology, Ragnarok will see the death of many gods including Loki, and will bring many natural disasters. With Fimbulwinter turning the Nine Realms into a snowy ice land, Kratos wears armor that covers more of his body. His gloves and arm guards cover most of his arms, and his armor also wraps around his chest. Kratos still wears a Spartan skirt, but his legs are fully covered. Some trailers have shown Kratos wearing a furry cloak thick enough to shield him from blinding blizzards.

The God of War franchise is a longstanding one, and Kratos has changed quite considerably over the years. Although many parts of his appearance have been altered, certain aspects like his red tattoos and his white skin ensure that he always has a connection to the original Kratos. In terms of personality, Kratos is still capable of intense rage, but he appears to be far more in control of his more destructive impulses, and he seems beaten by the traumas and battles he has faced. With God of War Ragnarok set to hit consoles this year, players will soon see Kratos continue to evolve.

God of War Ragnarok is scheduled to release in 2022 on PS4 and PS5.

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