Consistently rated as the top overall board game on Board Game Geek, Gloomhaven has reimagined the Dungeons and Dragons experience with its unique card system combat. Despite being one of the biggest and meatiest board games out there, Gloomhaven is no walk in the park.

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With a whole list of characters, powers, and items to grasp, the strategic experience can feel overwhelming to newcomers who are thirsting for adventure. The digital copy of the game even has an hour-plus long tutorial whilst a retail copy of the physical board game weighs in at a whopping 20 pounds. That said, if Gloomhaven is the game that adventurers have set their minds on, they'll need to keep these things in mind.

8 Have A Solid Squad

Gloomhaven digital group about to embark on quest

It may seem like a no-brainer, but having regulars is an important must as the last thing players want is friends who are unable to make sessions or are just here for the one-off adventure. That’s fine if it’s the case, but imagine having to explain the rules constantly to newcomers. It’s exhausting. Like Dungeons and Dragons or any story-based RPG, players will want regulars who’ll grow their understanding of the game with them.

Another tip is to designate roles. Although it’s possible to switch up the mercenary roster throughout the playthrough, players will also be leveling up their guys with new abilities. Moreover, it takes time to understand how a particular mercenary will play. The advice is to stick to one main mercenary and then try out other mercenaries as and when they are unlocked.

7 Grasp The Rules

gloomhaven rules out on display

Another no-brainer that has to be mentioned, people do not, repeat, do not want to get into the game blind and without any knowledge of how it's played. This isn’t a casual experience to just waltz into, especially if one doesn’t have a seasoned player who understands the mechanics alongside them.

Those who have the digital version of the board game should play through the tutorial and get their squad to play through it as well. Players should be sure to spend some time watching how it's played too. There are several channels on YouTube that specialize in teaching board games clearly and succinctly.

6 Be Aggressive

Cragheart approaches enemy in Gloomhaven

With all that out of the way, it's finally time to get into the game. One thing that new players should take into account is that there is a hidden timer in each dungeon instance. If players run out of cards in hand, their mercenary will become exhausted and 'die'.

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Players will need to switch up their tactics to either swiftly take out enemies or play a little more defensively. As much as the game favors aggressive play though, mercenaries who are ‘squishy’ or play more of a support role need to be careful of their positioning and avoid being caught in compromising positions. One quick tip is to keep moving forward and open all the doors within a dungeon early on, as enemies will funnel and pursue players.

5 Time That Rest

Gloomhaven balance of attacking and resting

In Gloomhaven, the number of cards in hand act as a sort of stamina bar, meaning that running out of cards equates to a mercenary becoming exhausted. When players discard at least two to three of their cards, they may feel the temptation to rest and get those powerful attacks or abilities back in hand.

However, doing so can potentially exhaust a mercenary a lot quicker than players would like. It’s actually best to go through most of the card roster before deciding to rest up.

4 Be Careful Of Opening Doors

Gloomhaven showing rogue moving to door

As much as the game favors aggressive play and players have been recommended to open those dungeon doors quickly, the mercenary that does it is very important. Enemies will usually be drawn to the nearest mercenary, and this includes ranged foes.

Therefore, it is advised that players use a tank or rogue that can take the oncoming damage or turn invisible. Items can also help in this situation. Ending a turn at an open door can potentially lead to a barrage of enemy attacks. If a mercenary is squishy or ill-suited to facing multiple attacks, they're done for. With this in mind, if players must use a mercenary like this to open a door, they should wait until the start of the next turn to do so.

3 Choose Targets Wisely

Gloomhaven choosing targets to attack

Sometimes, an enemy will do the unthinkable and create more enemies. Though it's no surprise, some enemies can summon or call for more foes to assemble on the battlefield. If left unchecked, these additional foes can quickly overwhelm unsuspecting players.

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Cultists are a prime example of this. These sneaky adversaries can raise skeletons to attack players and their party. Similarly, there are enemy support units that can buff their allies by giving them shields or additional HP. As Gloomhaven will often have players teetering between a close victory and a harrowing defeat, prioritizing such targets can often be the key to turning the tide.

2 Stand In The Right Place

gloomhaven-positioning of mindthief against enemy

Knowing where to stand and position oneself is extremely important. Just like in chess, having foresight as to where to go and whether or not enemies are in range can greatly influence encounters. Nothing sucks more than planning a great combination of cards only to find out that it can’t be pulled off.

Some abilities will allow players to push or pull their enemies. Depending on where they're positioned, players can place them into a trap that can deal additional damage. Some talents allow players to dish out further damage to everything adjacent, including allies, so players might not want to be near their friends for these maneuvers. Want that treasure chest? Make sure that one party member can get to it before the mission ends. Positioning is key.

1 Get That Sweet Loot

Gloomhaven battle commencing and needing that loot

Although experience points give access to more abilities and can strengthen characters, enemies will scale with party level. By looting and getting that gold, players will be able to purchase more gear and items which can significantly determine outcomes.

As loot is shared, players may not be able to get that much gear early on. However, those who make looting a priority will be able to acquire more items for their mercenaries. One of the best ways to get new gear is by donating to the Temple of the Great Oak, as doing so gives players rewards for every prosperity level reached.

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