Glitchpunk is set in a neon-lit, Cyberpunk-themed dystopia, with players taking control of a"glitched" android who asserts free will. As an android, players get to upgrade and augment their bodies with various Modules.

These upgrades can vastly improve the combat experience, providing more health, more Focus, and unique abilities to gain an upper hand in a firefight or police chase. This guide will cover all the different ways to get Modules in Glitchpunk.

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How to Get Modules in Glitchpunk

glitchpunk invincibility shade cloak module

There are a few different ways to get Modules in Glitchpunk:

  • Complete contracts
  • Search containers
  • Kill NPCs
  • Visit Pawn Shops

Complete Contracts

This is the main way to get Modules without having to spend any credits. It's worth noting that not every contract will reward players with a Module, and they might even get a duplicate.

Before accepting a contract, players can look at the rewards they will receive and can check their inventory to see if they already have that upgrade. Shopping around the different gangs is also good to see who is offering more money in Glitchpunk.

Search Containers/Kill NPCs

The Grand Theft Auto-inspired title isn't too clear in communicating certain gameplay mechanics in this early access build. There is a brief message explaining items can be obtained as random loot, but not how or where to look for them. While acquiring the RPG Launcher for a Reaper contract, players are asked to open a container. These black chests aren't exclusive to quests and can be found throughout New Baltia's violent streets.

It's more likely that players will receive ammo, items, or weapons, but there is still a chance of picking up a Module from the chests. This works the same way when killing NPCs, who will most likely drop credits and weapons.

Visit Pawn Shops

glitchpunk new baltia map early access module item upgrades

The quickest way to get Modules in Glitchpunk is to visit a Pawn Shop. There are six on the New Baltia map that can be located by looking for the green symbols on the main map. Other icons can be toggled off to make the search easier. There's even a convenient Pawn Shop right beside where players save in Glitchpunk.

Most Modules cost between $3000 and $9,000 credits. This may sound like a lot, but if the Mystery Shopper Module is bought first, Pawn Shops can be hacked for a massive 50% discount. Other places like weapon and item vendors can also be hacked to help save money.

Players can also buy a Module that lets them use a handbrake while in a vehicle. This can drastically improve the uneven driving experience, especially for those taking advantage of controller support.

Glitchpunk is out now on early access for PC.

MORE: Glitchpunk: How to Improve Performance