Now that the first major Genshin Impact event has officially concluded, miHoYo seems ready to press forward with new events and surprises. Though leaks have given players a general sense of where the game's going in the near future, specific details, like release dates and timeframes, have remained mostly unconfirmed.

One such release date has finally been unveiled by Genshin Impact, as fans now know exactly when they can expect the next valuable five-star character, Zhongli, to join the game's ranks. While the game currently still features Tartaglia (aka Childe) as the "special banner character," fans of the Liyue native Geo user, Zhongli, will only have to sit tight for a tad bit longer.

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The game's first featured five-star character was Klee, the adorably explosive Pyro mage. Since then, players have had the opportunity to Wish for Hydro cool-guy, Tartaglia, alongside other new additions like the earth-oriented Ningguang, or the icy feline bartender, Diona. Travelers have also been aware that, on top of these characters, powerful favorites like Ganyu and Zhongli are set to eventually join the game. It seems that Zhongli will be next to enter the ring, with the Gentry of Hermitage Event Wish banner, beginning on December 1, 2020.

The Gentry of Hermitage Event Wish banner will be held alongside the Epitome Invocation Event Wish, which features impressive new weapons like The Unforged (claymore) and the Vortex Vanquisher (polearm). Whereas Gentry of Hermitage features characters like Zhongli, and a collection of weapons, Epitome Invocation only offers weaponry. Still, both Event Wishes will run from December 1, 2020 until December 22, 2020, and as per usual, players can use Primogems to partake in the Wishes.

Aside from the elusive Zhongli, Gentry of Hermitage will allow players a boosted chance to meet the new Pyro rockstar, Xinyan, who wields claymores. Existing claymore users Razor and Chongyun are also featured as four-star characters, however Xinyan and Zhongli are the only two new arrivals. Players should also note that the beginning of this banner will also mark Ningguang and Diona's transition over to the Standard Wish banner.

This means that players will be able to summon the two through Acquaint Fates, rather than the more-valuable Intertwined Fates required by the Event Wish banners. Though it may seem like a minor adjustment, any players hoping for the Genshin Impact wealth queen Ningguang, for example, will appreciate the option of saving their Intertwined Fates while still Wishing for her.

As mentioned, Razor, Chongyun, and newcomer Xinyan, are all claymore users. Coupled with the fact that Zhongli wields polearms, this makes the upcoming weapons banner, Epitome Invocation, almost equally enticing. Although no characters are available from this banner, if a player has already Wished for the character they prefer, chances are, they'll be able to benefit from one of the powerful new weapons included in Epitome Invocation. The next Event Wish banners are currently unannounced, though rumors indicate that possible features include the Adeptus-human hybrid, Ganyu, and the popular Anemo polearm master, Xiao.

Genshin Impact is available now on the App Store, Google Play, PC, and PS4, and is currently in development for Switch.

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Source: miHoYo