Genshin Impact updates usually feature two separate banners that feature a couple of limited characters. The first part of Version 2.8 has introduced two fan-favorite characters: Kazuha and Klee.

The second banner cycle has brought a new limited banner called Tapestry of Golden Flames which includes the popular Pyro bow user Yoimiya and three four-star units. A new post on the official Genshin Impact subreddit has revealed the day one revenue numbers for the character's first ever re-run.

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Multiple replies in the comment section claim that they're surprised that the banner is placed in the lower part of the banner revenue chart. There are a couple of reasons why Yoimiya's sales underperformed, but the main one is probably the fact that it's the last limited banner before the new major region Sumeru arrives. Being the only character on a re-run banner also didn't help despite having a decent four-star lineup. However, it should be noted that Yoimiya's re-run created more revenue than her initial release last year which is most likely impacted by the game's growing player base.

Yoimiya is a decent five-star DPS character who specializes in dealing single-target damage. While she can be used as a burst damage dealer, she shines the most when put in a position to deal damage with her Normal attacks. While two of the four-star characters, Bennett and Yunjin, are considered strong four-star supports, the third character, Xinyan, is probably one of the weakest units in the game.

Bennett is probably the strongest four-star character in the game due to his ability to adapt to almost every team composition. He has one of the best elemental bursts in Genshin Impact despite being a four-star character. Bennett's Fantastic Voyage allows him to create a Pyro field that provides one of the best heals in the game and a strong damage buff.

In contrast, the first part of the update which featured Kazuha and Klee has been one of the most successful banners in Genshin Impact despite featuring two older characters. Kazuha has been one of the most anticipated characters in the game and many players made the mistake of skipping his banner last year as it was placed right before the arrival of the new Inazuma region. Since then, he's become one of the best supports in all of Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and mobile devices. A Nintendo Switch version is in development with no confirmed release date.

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