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Constellations in Genshin Impact is the feature that strengthens a character the more players gain a copy of them. At most, a Genshin Impact character can have six Constellations unlocked, of which they’d be called a “C6 unit” afterward.

Related: Genshin Impact: Sucrose Ascension And Talent Materials List

Getting Constellations in the game is as much of a journey as getting the character itself, especially for 4-star characters. Yes, 4-star units are easier to get, but since there’s no guaranteed system like the premium characters, getting some 4-star Constellations may prove to be a harder feat overall. This is why players should be wise in pursuing a 4-star unit’s copy. Luckily, when it comes to Sucrose, she functions just fine without any of her Genshin Impact Constellation.

Are Sucrose’s Constellations Worth It In Genshin Impact?

sucrose thinking in genshin impact

After Sumeru's update, Sucrose without Constellations is more viable since she can greatly buff her team’s Elemental Mastery without needing any of the upgrades. But with the enhancements, Sucrose becomes one of the best Supports in Genshin Impact. All in all, Sucrose’s Constellations are worth getting, especially her C1 and C6.

C1 - Clustered Vacuum Field

sucrose c1 constellation in genshin impact
  • Effect: Elemental Skill gains 1 additional charge.
  • Importance: Priority

Sucrose’s first Constellation is important in many ways. First, it helps her regain her Elemental Burst (which has a demanding 80 Energy requirement) faster. Second, since Sucrose will generate more Energy, the entire team will also benefit from it. If players play the Alchemist with Favonius Codex or Sacrificial Fragments, the number of Energy produced by Sucrose would be even greater.

C2 - Beth: Unbound Form

sucrose c2 constellation in genshin impact
  • Effect: The duration of Elemental Burst is increased by 2s.
  • Importance: High

Sucrose’s Elemental Burst ticks every two seconds up to six seconds, making it ticks 3 times. On her second Constellation, Sucrose gets two more seconds added to her Burst duration, which will increase the number of ticks to four.

Related: Genshin Impact: Best Weapons For Sucrose

While it doesn’t sound like a lot, it is actually a valuable addition to Sucrose’s kit since it will help prolong her buff and control enemies for two more seconds.

C4 - Alchemania

sucrose c4 constellation in genshin impact
  • Effect: Every seven Normal and Charged Attacks, Sucrose will reduce the CD of Elemental Skill by 1-7s.
  • Importance: Medium

C4 Sucrose can cast her Elemental Skill frequently when she stays on the field. While that's important for her DPS, it’s not really beneficial when it comes to her kit in general. The only place this passive is helpful is when Sucrose joins a Sukokomon team composition in Genshin Impact. In that team, Sucrose stays on the field the longest to swirl all the elements together and that gives more importance to her fourth Constellation.

C6 - Chaotic Entropy

sucrose c6 constellation in genshin impact
  • Effect: If Elemental Burst triggers an Elemental Absorption, all party members gain a 20% Elemental DMG Bonus for the corresponding absorbed element during its duration.
  • Importance: High

Just like all other Anemo characters that absorb elements into their skills, C6 Sucrose grants a 20% DMG buff to the element her Burst absorbs. With that, Sucrose becomes a complete support that buffs her team’s Elemental Mastery and Elemental DMG with many other capabilities.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.