The seven regions of Teyvat are the pride and joy of the Genshin Impact experience. From their complex set of characters with their own cultures to the bountiful flora and fauna of their wilderness, there's always something new to explore. However, ever important for the game's many processes, local specialties are what make each nation unique.

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Local specialties are used in character ascension, local quests, and crafting. Each country in Teyvat has its own list of specialties only found on their land, like Mondstadt's wide selection of different flowers. With the release of Inazuma, Genshin Impact's selection of specialties monumentally increased, however, some are rarer than others to find.

Updated on July 5, 2023, by Nahda Nabiilah: Each Region in Genshin Impact possesses its own local specialties and some of them are harder to locate than others. Upon collecting the available amount of the desired local specialty, Travelers must wait for 48 hours for the item to respawn in Genshin Impact. Depending on players’ luck, it’s possible to gather the required amount for ascension by farming the desired local specialty twice, or sometimes four times. Fortunately, there are other methods for obtaining certain materials, like purchasing items from merchants or planting seeds inside the Serenitea Pot.

15 Valberry

valberry in genshin imapct

In all of Mondstadt, players can only collect 19 Valberries, which is a very small amount considering other local specialties in Genshin Impact. Luckily, each plant hosts four Valberry, which means one farming expedition will yield 76 Valberry. The item is mostly scattered around Stormbearer Point and Stormbearer Mountains in the northeastern section of Mondstadt.

Among the characters that require Valberry for ascension and leveling up are Lisa, Noelle, and Rosaria in Genshin Impact. The local specialty can also be bought from Chloris for 1,000 Mora a piece or planted in the Serenitea Teapot.

14 Onikabuto

onikabuto in genshin impact

Unlike Mondstadt and Liyue, Inazuma has not had its share of uncommon local specialties. Most items in Inazuma are either extremely common or are placed in easy-to-reach areas. However, the Onikabuto, a beetle that inhabits Electro-rich areas, is a little more challenging to find than the others.

Granted, the Onikabuto hides in fairly easy-to-reach areas, like on low-hanging trees and such. But the insect can be a hassle to find in large numbers, spawning in a few numbers and in spread-out areas across the map. Currently, only two characters require Onikabuto; Heizou and Arataki Itto.

13 Violetgrass

genshin impact violetgrass local specialty qiqi

In all of Liyue, Violetgrass may be the worst-placed local specialty of all. Violetgrass is used by Xinyan and Qiqi for their ascensions, as well as in several Liyue dishes. The easiest way to collect this plant is by using Qiqi or Yanfei to locate the item, then using Nahida's hold Skill to harvest it.

The struggle of finding Violetgrass comes from its terrain placement: located on cliffsides in Liyue. Granted, they can be collected in great numbers (over 150 are located in Liyue) but scaling a cliffside takes time. And the size of Liyue's mountains makes the process even worse, so much so that they can be bought from two people at a time: Verr Goldet at Wangshu Inn and from Bubu Pharmacy.

12 Qingxin

genshin impact qingxin flower local specialty ningguang

In Liyue, the Qingxin is the second most difficult, rare flower to look for in Liyue. Used in ascending Ganyu and Xiao, the Qingxin flower is also used to make Tianshu Meat.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Where To Farm Qingxin Flowers

To be fair, the Qingxin just barely makes it to rare status, but it reigns in collection difficulty (perhaps only bested by Violetgrass). Sadly, it most commonly can be found spread out on top of Liyue's many mountains. However, for those looking to avoid climbing a mountain for a flower or two, they can also be found easily in Qingce Village and bought from the Bubu Pharmacy.

11 Kalpalata Lotus

kalpalata lotus in genshin impact

Similar to Violetgrass, Kalpalata Lotus are somewhat annoying to collect as the local specialty can only be found on cliff sides in Sumeru. Players will have to either glide really close to the edge or climb endlessly to grab the flower. Any characters require 168 of a certain material for ascension and there's only around 66 Kalpalata Lotus in Sumeru. This means that Travelers will have to farm the flower multiple times to level up Dori and Nahida.

Speaking of Nahida, it's possible to use the Dendro Archon's Skill to collect some of the Kalpalata Lotus from a safe distance which will save some time and effort for players. Additionally, five flowers can be purchased from Aramani in the dream version of Vanarana.

10 Dendrobium

dendrobium in genshin impact

One of Inazuma’s most mysterious and rare local specialties is Dendrobium. The Blood Flower is not only used for the ascension of Kujou Sara but also to make Red Bait for fishing as well as crafting a card back for the Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG.

According to the item’s description, Dendrobiums usually grow near battlefields, which explains why they can't be planted in the Serenitea Pot. 50+ of them are found in three main areas on the map:

  • Around Maguu Kenki’s boss arena on Yashiori Island
  • Heavily found around Nazuchi Beach
  • Northwest of Kujou Encampment

9 Sango Pearl

sango pearl in genshin impact

Sango Pearls can only be located on Watatsumi Island in Genshin Impact. By exploring the area, mostly near Sangonomiya Shrine and Suigetsu Pool, Travelers can collect around 44 Sango Pearls. 10 of them are also available in Enkanomiya. Luckily for some desperate players, two merchants, Babak, and Yamashiro Kenta, sell five Sango Pearls each for 1,000 Mora.

Currently, there are only two Genshin Impact characters that call for Sango Pearls as ascension materials, Gorou and Sangonomiya Kokomi.

8 Calla Lily

genshin impact calla lily local specialty razor

In all of Teyvat, Calla Lily is one the rarest local specialty in Genshin Impact. They are used in Kaeya and Diona's ascensions, as well as being used in a variety of Mondstadt dishes.

It may seem strange at first, as at face value, the Calla Lily doesn't seem that uncommon. Being located on the coasts and waterlines of Mondstadt (especially in Springvale), players may come across them without even looking for them. However, there are fewer Calla Lilies in the game than players realize, with many routes only giving just over 50 flowers. And unlike Cecilia, players are going to need to cross long distances to optimize their gathering.

7 Dandelion Seed

genshin impact dandelion seed local specialty jean

Dandelion Seeds are the second-rarest local specialty found in Mondstadt. Used by Jean and Eula for ascension, as well as to craft a multitude of items, this can be a real struggle for a lot of players.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Where To Get Dandelion Seeds

Granted, nearly 50 seeds can be collected in a day. However, it's also the most spread-out resource in all of Mondstadt; players won't have an easy collection process like with Cecilia or Cor Lapis. The best place to start collecting is in Mondstadt City itself, with four flowers just at the front gates alone.

6 Philanemo Mushroom

philanemo mushroom in genshin impact

Unlike most local specialties in Genshin Impact, Philanemo Mushroom can't be found in the wild. In a weird turn of events, players have to climb buildings and houses to grab some of these mushrooms, which can be a pain to do. Mona, Klee, and Barbara are in need of this local specialty as a part of their required ascension materials.

Travelers are more likely to stumble upon Philanemo Mushroom in three different locations; Mondstadt City, the village in Springvale, and Dawn Winery. Desperate players are welcome to purchase some from either Babak in Sumeru or Chloris in Mondstadt.

5 Noctilucous Jade

genshin impact noctilucous jade local specialty razor

Naturally, Liyue is known for its rocks like Mondstadt is for its flowers. However, while Cor Lapis is easy to find, Noctilucous Jade is a little rarer. It is used by both Beidou and Yanfei for their ascensions.

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Unlike Cecilia, Noctilucous Jade can be found in multiple places in Liyue in caves and mountains. Of course, should Noctilucous Jade prove to be too difficult to find, it can also be bought from Shitou in Liyue Harbor.

4 Glaze Lily

genshin impact glaze lily flower local specialty ningguang

Although Mondstadt may be well-known for its flowers, Liyue also has its fair share. The Glaze Lily is the local specialty in Liyue that makes for the best equivalent to Cecilia. It is used to ascend Ningguang, as well as in the crafting of Geoculus Resonance Stones.

Like Cecilia, Glaze Lilies can only be found in a handful of spots: in Qingce Village and on the outskirts of Liyue Harbor. They can also be bought from Ms. Bai in Qingce Village, though players should beware of this scam. At 50,000 Mora per flower, Ms. Bai's Glaze Lilies are overpriced when they can be picked for free in the very same village.

3 Cecilia

genshin impact cecilia flower local specialty tartaglia

Mondstadt seems to like its flowers, with 4 of its 8 local specialties being flowers. One of the rarest of these is the Cecilia, used by both Venti and Albedo for their character ascensions.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Every Mondstadt Local Specialty

However, Cecilia isn't rare because it is hard to find. In fact, Cecilia is one of the easier Mondstadt specialties to find, being located only on Starsnatch Cliff and sold by Flora. However, it is rare because of the sparsity of their numbers; only 37 flowers can be found on the cliff, and 5 are sold by Flora at a given moment. For reference, Venti needs 168 flowers to ascend to maximum level, and 5 for every Anemoculus Resonance Stone crafted.

2 Wolfhook

genshin impact wolfhook local specialty diluc

With the introduction of the Serenitea Pot, the usage of Wolfhook has heavily increased. Now, it can be used to make a blue dye, in addition to being used by Razor for his ascensions.

Wolfhook exists exclusively in Wolvendom, and they are a hassle to find. Due to the mix of being incredibly small, the shading of Wolvendom, and being fairly spread out, it's easy to miss them. Of course, for players looking to skip out on the Wolfhook Scavenger Hunt, they can also be bought from Chloris.

1 Silk Flower

genshin impact silk flower local specialty razor

While Liyue's terrain is normally the issue with collecting local specialties, the story is different with the Silk Flower in Genshin Impact. Used to ascend Hu Tao and Xingqiu (as well as make Fabric in the Serenitea Pot), the Silk Flower is objectively the rarest local specialty in Liyue.

Though players can collect multiple flowers from one bush, only a few exist on Yujing Terrace and near the Wangshu Inn. Of course, players in desperate need of Silk Flowers can also be bought from Verr Goldet at Wangshu Inn and Ms. Bai in Qingce Village.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

MORE: Genshin Impact: Inazuma Local Specialty Guide