A new Genshin Impact chart reveals the overall sales for the double banner that had the Hydro user Nilou and the Mondstadt alchemist Albedo as their limited five-star characters. They were part of the second banner cycle of version 3.1 which arrived on October 31 and ended on November 1.

Nilou was the only new Genshin Impact character on the banner that also included a decent four-star lineup featuring the Pyro polearm support Thoma, Liyue's opera dancer Yun Jin, and the half-Adepti Yanfei. Even though Albedo is a very strong Genshin Impact support, it's safe to assume that most players pulled on this banner to get the new character Nilou.

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A new post on the official Genshin Impact subreddit shows how well the Nilou and Albedo banner did in the game's all-time revenue list. According to the chart shared by Reddit user lloydschreave, the double banner took the 18th place on the list which is actually surprisingly good considering that a lot of players decided to skip it in order to save up additional Primogems for the new Dendro Archon Nahida who keeps breaking revenue records. Unlike most characters in the game, Nilou's playstyle is very niche as her whole kit revolves around triggering Bloom.

In order to cause this new Genshin Impact elemental reaction, players need to combine Hydro with the recently added Dendro element which will drop Dendro Cores that explode after a short period of time. One of Nilou's passive talents makes these cores explode much faster with a significantly larger area of effect. Some fans have stated that adding such a niche character that enables a new type of team composition is a breath of fresh air considering that over the last two years, players have been mainly focused on two or three types of comps with the highest damage potential.

Nilou's arrival also increased the popularity of a somewhat forgotten character, Sangonomiya Kokomi, whose pick rate skyrocketed in the Spiral Abyss. The recently added Dendro Archon can also be a part of the Bloom team comp thanks to her incredible ability to constantly apply the Dendro element and trigger various elemental reactions.

Even though Nilou did most of the heavy lifting when it comes to banner sales, a number of players still pulled for Albedo as well. He is a very strong Genshin Impact support with the ability to constantly provide Crystalize shields thanks to his elemental skill. This makes clearing enemy camps much easier since players don't have to worry about getting knocked away by heavy attacks.

Genshin Impact is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and mobile devices. A Switch version is in development.

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