Genshin Impact is one of the most popular recent action RPG titles on the market, and a huge part of its core appeal comes from the array of colorful characters that players are encouraged to collect. However, video game characters are not made equal, and some members of the cast are more popular than others. One Genshin Impact fan recently shared some of the results of a survey that reveals the game's most popular characters.

Redditor milkyteaspoons recently posted a Genshin Impact Player Survey to the Genshin Impact subreddit, asking gamers to share a few details about themselves and how they play the game. Now, the results appear to be coming in, and they may not be what gamers expected.

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Apparently, the top five favorite characters of Genshin Impact players are Kazuha, Hu Tao, Xiao, Zhongli, and Childe, in that order. The Raiden Shogun, Ganyu, and Venti appeared as honorable mentions. However, survey respondents who identified as male reported their top five characters as being Hu Tao, Kazuha, Zhongli, the Raiden SHogun, and Ganyu. Meanwhile, survey respondents who identified as female reported their top five as being Xiao, Childe, Kazuha, Zhongli, and Venti. This may indicate that some Genshin Impact characters have greater cross-gender appeal than others.

A bar graph establishes that of the 46 characters who appeared in survey answers, most had only a few fans while a smaller number were incredibly popular. Although the gender distribution of Genshin Impact's characters is skewed heavily toward female characters, milkyteaspoons' survey reports that the player base is skewed in the opposite direction. One chart states that 51.1% of players who responded identified as male, 37.3% identified as female, 6.3% identified as "other," and 5.4% said they'd prefer not to state a gender. A second chart explores players' age and concludes that the three largest Genshin Impact player age groups are 18-21, 14-17, and 22-25.

Apparently, 56.9% of survey respondents picked Lumine while 43.1% picked Aether. It also appears that the favorite Genshin Impact element reported by survey takers was Anemo with 27.5% of the vote--Cryo came in second with 19.4% and Electro in third with 17.5%. The overwhelmingly popular favorite weapon class was Polearm, which eclipsed the second favorite, Sword, at 36.1% to 22.8%. The results for favorite region were more varied, but Liyue came out on top with 26.3% of the vote, followed by Inazuma at 23.8% and Mondstadt at 23.4%.

Genshin Impact is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and mobile devices with a Switch version also in development.

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