Support characters are an integral part of Genshin Impact gameplay, even though they may sometimes be overlooked. These characters offer a variety of benefits to the team, such as amplifying elemental reactions, buffing team members, providing crowd control, and acting as a battery. While the introduction of the Dendro element has caused a decrease in the popularity of Anemo in some team compositions since Anemo doesn't have a Dendro elemental reaction, it is still highly beneficial to use both Anemo and Dendro elements for support, especially when amplifying an element such as Electro.

Related: Genshin Impact: Top Support Characters And How To Use Them

Anemo support characters in Genshin Impact such as Venti, Kazuha, and Sucrose are still widely used, and players may struggle to decide which one is the best option for their team. However, it is important to understand that Venti and Kazuha bring different utilities to the table, and choosing between them may depend on the specific needs of the combat. Hence, players should consider the strengths of each Anemo character before deciding which one is better for their team composition.

Venti's Strengths And Weaknesses

Genshin Impact character Venti

Venti, as the Archon of Anemo, is undoubtedly a character that will always remain relevant in Genshin Impact. Playable Archon characters in the game are typically designed as future-proof investments because they bring something unique to the table that other characters cannot entirely match, making them always useful regardless of the setup or the introduction of new characters. Although Kazuha has been more popular among players due to his added utility, Venti is still a formidable character that players should consider adding to their roster.



  • Great Crowd Control
  • Battery Utility
  • Considerable Swirl DPS Potential
  • F2P friendly
  • Useful for exploration
  • Easy to build
  • Cannot pull heavy enemies
  • Team-buffing potential is limited
  • Selfish constellations
  • Aiming the Elemental Burst can be difficult at times

Venti's main advantage over Kazuha is his exceptional crowd control ability, achieved through his powerful Elemental Burst. This technique pulls enemies into a vortex, rendering them immobilized. Although this ability was highly effective in the early stages of Genshin Impact, the Inazuma region update brought in larger and heavier enemies, rendering Venti's Burst ineffective on them. Furthermore, while the Burst is ideal for defensive gameplay or when protecting the leyline in Spiral Abyss, it can be problematic for melee team members since it causes enemies to fly, making it difficult to hit them. However, during the Elemental Burst, Venti can deal significant damage with his Swirls, which, if built correctly (which is not too difficult in his case), can be enough to take down most of the enemies he pulls. It's important to note that players should make sure to aim the Elemental Burst, as otherwise it may create the vortex in an inconvenient location, making it difficult to pull the enemies.

Related: Genshin Impact: Who Are the Archons

In addition to his crowd control abilities, Venti also provides high battery potential to his team. This is because his Elemental Skill generates a decent amount of elemental particles upon use, and his passive ability allows him to generate 15 energy for himself and his teammates of the same element as the one his Elemental Burst has absorbed. For instance, if Venti's team consists of Ayaka, Rosaria, and Xingqiu, and Venti's Elemental Burst absorbs Cryo, not only will Venti generate 15 energy, but so will Ayaka and Rosaria. This means that Venti and his teammates can maintain consistency in using their Elemental Bursts and keep them off cooldown.

Despite Venti's strengths in crowd control and energy regeneration, he falls short in providing specific buffs that benefit his teammates. While he can make good use of the Viridescent Venerer artifact set, he lacks any damage amplification abilities of his own. Additionally, while he is already effective at C0 and does not require a particular signature weapon, his constellations are generally lackluster, with the exception of C6 which decreases 20% elemental resistance to Anemo and the element absorbed during his Elemental Burst. As a result, investing in Venti's constellations may not be a worthwhile use of Primogems.

Kazuha's Strengths And Weaknesses

genshin iImpact best weapons for kaedehera kazuha

Initially, many players underestimated Kazuha and compared him unfavorably to Venti and Sucrose upon his release. However, it didn't take long for players to realize his true potential as a great support character, which has boosted his rerun banner sales significantly. Even in the current meta, Kazuha remains a popular choice for challenging content such as Spiral Abyss, thanks to the wide range of utility he brings to the party.



  • Can Pull Heavy Enemies
  • Elemental Burst Has Big AoE Range
  • Buffs the Elemental DMG of the Team
  • F2P friendly
  • Useful for exploration
  • Easy to build
  • Strong early constellations
  • Battery potential is limited
  • Absorbing the right element to his Elemental Burst can be challenging
  • DPS power is more limited in comparison to Venti
  • Not as niche as Venti since Sucrose is a direct comparison
  • Crowd control is not as strong

Kazuha's unique crowd control ability sets him apart from Venti, as he is able to pull heavier enemies towards the party, albeit not entirely immobilizing them. This can be advantageous in some situations, as it brings all enemies together, allowing melee units to hit them with ease. However, his primary strength lies in his ability to buff the Elemental DMG bonus of all party members based on his Elemental Mastery, whenever a Swirl reaction occurs. This makes him an excellent addition to any team composition that focuses on elemental reactions or mono-element teams, as his buff can coexist for multiple elements at a time. When paired with the Viridescent Venerer artifact set, Kazuha provides the ultimate buff and debuff combination that players can expect from an Anemo unit.

As with Venti, Kazuha is relatively easy to build, as players only need to focus on his Elemental Mastery. He is not a primary DPS unit and doesn't require high Energy Regeneration to trigger his low-cost Elemental Burst. While he may not be as great of a battery unit as Venti, his other buffs more than make up for this. Additionally, Kazuha is quite F2P friendly, as he is already an excellent character at C0. However, his C1 and C2 constellations provide great utility, as C1 allows him to use his elemental skill more often, while C2 is one of the best constellations in the game, providing 200 Elemental Mastery to all party members within the large AOE of his Elemental Burst. As a result, players may be more inclined to invest in Kazuha's constellations over Venti's.

Related: Genshin Impact: Best DPS Characters For Each Element & How To Use Them

It's important to note, however, that players who want to utilize Kazuha for personal DPS may be disappointed, as his base potential for this is not as high as Venti's, unless players are willing to unlock his sixth constellation, which isn't entirely recommended. Additionally, players should be aware that while his Elemental Burst is great, it can be tricky for him to absorb the intended element with it, as it will always prioritize the strongest application. This means that, for example, if there are slimes around, the burst will pick up the slime's element over the applied element, making the enemies immune to the Swirl.

Verdict: Venti Or Kazuha

Genshin Impact characters Kazuha and Venti

When it comes to choosing between Venti and Kazuha, it ultimately comes down to personal preference and the situation at hand. Venti is a fantastic option when facing large numbers of small or medium-sized enemies, but his crowd control abilities may not be as effective against bosses or larger enemies. In situations where small enemies are easily defeated, the buffs provided by Kazuha may not be as impactful. Additionally, some team compositions may benefit more from a battery character like Venti.

However, Kazuha is an incredibly versatile unit that can fit into almost any team composition and excel in almost any situation. His ability to buff the Elemental DMG bonus of all party members based on his Elemental Mastery makes him a valuable addition to any elemental team. And, unlike Venti, there aren't many ways to limit Kazuha's utility in combat. As such, he can be considered the best Anemo support unit in Genshin Impact, especially in higher-level Spiral Abyss floors where time is of the essence.

Related: Genshin Impact: Yelan VS Xingqiu, Who's Better?

It's important to note that both Venti and Kazuha can be used for exploration due to their Elemental Skills, players may find it easier to use them to reach high places like chests or other items like Dendroculus requires. In terms of investment, Kazuha may be more worthwhile for those who enjoy collecting constellations and want a versatile unit that can fit into many different team compositions. Ultimately, both Venti and Kazuha have their strengths and weaknesses, that make them quite apart, even though they look quite similar at the first glance.

How Does Sucrose Compare To Venti Or Kazuha

Genshin Impact sucrose

Sucrose has been a fan favorite in Genshin Impact since her release and continues to be considered one of the best 4-star units in the game due to her incredible utility. It's no surprise that she's often featured in damage showcase videos alongside popular characters like Bennett and Mona.

Sucrose's abilities allow her to provide crowd control, buff her team members, and even function as a battery character with her first constellation. What's more, since Sucrose has been available since the beginning of the game, many players have been able to collect all of her constellations, which makes for a fair comparison to her 5-star counterparts at C0. While Sucrose isn't often compared to Venti, she is more often compared to Kazuha due to her and Kazuha's similarities in team-buff and crowd control potential. As such, some players may question the viability of investing in Kazuha when a powerful unit like Sucrose exists, whereas there is no comparison between Venti and other characters in terms of his unique crowd control abilities.

When it comes to high constellations, Sucrose's Elemental Mastery buff is similar to Kazuha's, making her a valuable asset for elemental reactions and for characters whose kits scale with Elemental Mastery. However, for mono elemental teams, Kazuha's ability to convert Elemental Mastery to Elemental DMG gives him the edge. Additionally, Sucrose's Burst is easier to apply with a specific element than Kazuha's since she doesn't automatically select the strongest applied element.

In conclusion, while Kazuha may be more versatile and stronger overall, particularly with access to his second constellation, players on a low budget don't need to worry about investing in him if they already have Sucrose and her constellations.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

MORE: Genshin Impact: Every Playable Anemo User, Ranked