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The Grana are small Elemental spirits that’d follow the players around in Genshin Impact. Each region has its own version of Grana, each with different unique properties. For example, the Grana in Mondstadt, the land of Anemo, is called Anemograna. The one in Liyue is called Geograna, and the one in Sumeru is known as Dendrograna.

Anemograna of Mondstadt has the ability to create a wind current once three of them are brought together. Meanwhile, Geograna of Liyue in Genshin Impact can be carried to various constructs to solve open-world puzzles. As for Inazuma’s Grana, the Electrograna serves as a key to use the Thunder Spheres, pass through a Thunder Barrier, protect players from the Balethunder, and provide minor buffs when carried.

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Now that Sumeru is released, Travelers will meet a new kind of Grana, the Dendrograna. Similar to the other Elements, this spirit will also play a large role in completing some Genshin Impact puzzles. To use Dendrograna in Genshin Impact, here are some things players should remember.

How To Summon And Use Dendrograna In Genshin Impact

dendrograna auspicious branches in genshin impact

To summon a Dendrograna in Genshin Impact, Travelers must find a Dendrograna Auspicious Branches first. Then, simply walk close to it until the prompt to summon Dendrograna appears. Once summoned, a normal branch will summon three Dendrograna, and it’ll surround the active character.

using a charged attack or aimed shot to use the dendrograna in genshin impact

To use the Dendrograna in Genshin Impact, simply use a Charged Attack or Aimed Shot. Any character can activate Dendrograna with their Charged Attack, but non-bow characters in Genshin Impact would often have a hard time properly aiming.

What Puzzles Can Be Solved With Dendrograna

what to use dendrograna on in genshin impact

Other than performing attacks with the active character and dealing Dendro DMG, Dendrograna in Genshin Impact is crucial to solving many forms of puzzles, most of which will reward a Chest upon completion. Here are some examples.

Dendro Elemental Monuments

using dendrogran on elemental monuments in genshin impact

Elemental Monuments in Genshin Impact is a common puzzle where players have to activate it using the Element engraved on the monument. For Dendro Elemental Monuments in Sumeru, players can utilize Dendrograna to activate it.

The Withering

how to destroy the withering in sumeru in genshin impact

The Withering in Genshin Impact Sumeru is an occurrence where a certain area starts to wither and die under the influence of Marana. To destroy the Tumor of the Withering, players have to remove three Withering Branches using Dendrograna. Then enemies will appear and Travelers have to defeat them. After handling the opponent, go to the center of the Withering to destroy the Tumor.

Removable Dendro Object

second way to use dendrograna on in genshin impact

This puzzle is among the most common in Genshin Impact Sumeru. There should be a Dendrograna nearby if this obstacle is around. To solve it, simply use a Charged Attack while carrying a Dendrograna. Behind it, players can find enemies, more puzzles, Rock Pile, and so on.

Floating Dendro Object

third way to use dendrograna in genshin impact

Like the removable Dendro rock, the floating Dendro object is also solvable using Dendrograna. Usually, this puzzle will appear as one item but will duplicate once players hit it with a Dendrograna. Make sure to keep following where it’s going to complete the puzzle.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

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