In Genshin Impact, players have quite a variety of different elemental skills to choose from. These include Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, Dendro, Electro, Anemo, andGeo. The most straightforward of the elements available in the game, Geo is also one of the elementals that makes the least sense.

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From its definition to its reactions, there are a lot of mechanics with the rocky element that will confuse Travelers during their journey. While there may be a few answers to these questions, they leave more questions that even the Geo Archon himself could not answer. These may be unresolved to increase enjoyment, but some also have the potential to take the immersion out of the game.

6 Geo Vs Rocks

Genshin Dragon Teaser Trailer

This seems like simple comparison, yet it's far more complex than one would think. During the course of the player's journey, they will use the skill 'elemental sight' on various occasions. This highlights structures and creatures in their respective element, making the world easier to understand.

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However, one problem will be immediately clear. Not all rocks and parts of the ground appear to be Geo. This element highlights in an orange-ish color, yet only certain types of rocks and ores will appear as Geo. What is the real difference between a normal rock and a Geo rock? Is this just a design aspect for easier gameplay, or is there something deeper about the elements that players don't know?

5 Geo Creatures

Genshin Impact Geo Hypostasis Boss

The Traveler will come across several creatures that are composed of Geo element. These range from geovishaps to the Geo Hypostasis. How do these creatures function completely composed of rock-like Geo element? Although a being made of rocks seems impossibile, there may be clues that explain this phenomenon. After all, Geo Slimes are said to be a build-up of energy in the Earth's crust. Naturally, the energy itself could explain why the slimes and other Geo elementals can live.

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That said, the biology of living creatures is a bit more complicated than that. Azhdaha (the new weekly boss) and other geovishaps are organisms with complex systems of life-sustaining organs, but creatures like the Geo Hypostasis are made purely out of energy. How can it function the way it does without organs, and how did it come to be that way?

4 Why So Few Reactions?

Genshin Impact Geovishap Hatchling Female Traveler Geo Shield Crystals Grass Field

Geo is the only element to have only one reaction with other elements. This is the Crystalize reaction, which creates crystals that generate shields. Players can easily accomplish this by hitting an opponent affected by Hydro, Pyro, Cryo, or Electro.

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But why is this the only Geo reaction available, when real life has so much more diversity? Rocks in real life are prone to deterioration when under pressure from water, sometimes even strengthening under certain conditions. Implementing a damage increase, or decrease, would both make sense and add more variety to gameplay mechanics.

3 What Is Geo Damage?

Genshin Impact Noelle Burst

With other elements, it's easy to understand how they cause damage. For example, it's easy to see what Pyro damage is due to the burning capabilities of fire. Even Anemo damage is understandable given that it pressurizes wind, a relatively complex method.

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That said, Geo damage is a different story. Geo is almost purely a physical element, being based on rocks and earth. So what constitutes Geo damage that makes it different from standard physical damage? Getting hit by a rock may hurt a lot, but the reason for the pain isn't different than getting hit with anything else.

2 Geo In Elemental Skills And Bursts

Genshin Impact Noelle Close Up With Claymore

Most Geo visions in Genshin Impact are understandable, and include some of the most intense powers in the game. For example, Ningguang's rock missiles are fairly straightforward, and her burst looks awesome to boot. However, some abilities don't actually make as much sense.

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For example, Noelle envelops her claymore in Geo energy to extend her range and damage. Her skill describes this as "gathering the strength of Geo". That said, Geo is almost purely a material element, not particularly based on energy manipulation. Even the concept of shields is unusual, though Geo shields make the most sense. Why would a Hydro shield be just as strong as a Geo shield, and where does this strength come from?

1 Where Does It Come From?

genshin impact beidou ningguang

Other elements are very applicable to real-life physics, at least by video game standards. Pyro works similarly to any other fire starter, Anemo is just shifting the air to cause wind. Even Hydro can be explained by the concept of utilizing moisture in the air or water found elsewhere. However, Geo is an element that runs in the complete field, as Geo seems to break the laws of the universe. Geo visions create complex structures, without taking material from the world around them.

Even though some may explain this as a simple bit of video game illusion, the game itself makes indirect reference to this. During the Liyue portions of the story, players learn that Zhongli could make as much Mora as he wanted. Yet, there is no reference to taking the materials from existing sources. Rather, he seems to create Mora from nothing. After all, if Mora came from a natural source, Liyue should be able to at least replicate the currency in some fashion. Yet, they cannot.

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