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The character Dehya, also referred to as Flame-Mane by many in Genshin Impact, made her first appearance as a playable character in the Version 3.5 update. She is recognized as the Desert Mercenary and is held in high regard among the Eremites in the Sumeru region. Players first encounter her in Chapter 3, Act 1 of the Archon Quest, where she serves as the bodyguard of Dunyarzad. Throughout the remaining acts, players are given a deeper insight into her personality. With the Version 3.5 update of Genshin Impact, players have the opportunity to learn even more about Dehya by completing her Story Quest and increasing their friendship with her.

Related: Genshin Impact: Cyno Constellations Complete Guide

Dehya boasts a visual design and skill kit that is comparable to Xinyan, the 4-Star Pyro claymore character. However, her kit is geared more toward damage dealing than Xinyan. As a Burst-Focused Main DPS or Sub-DPS character, Dehya has the versatility to fill multiple roles. However, building her might prove to be a bit more challenging due to her split scaling. Her constellation levels offer valuable benefits for players interested in building her, as many address shortcomings or enhance her damage potential.

Is Getting Dehya Constellations Worth It In Genshin Impact?


Upon her release, the options for team compositions where Dehya can truly shine are limited, as she does not have many strong synergies with main DPS or support characters. This is not uncommon in the debut history of characters in Genshin Impact, as some options, such as Kokomi and Nilou, only reached their full potential later on.

As a result, players who want to conserve Primogems may want to hold off on unlocking Dehya's constellation until characters release in the future that better complement her, unless they have a particular interest in her skill kit and wish to maximize their experience. For those players, unlocking her first two constellations (C1 and C2) would bring the most benefits while being cost-effective.

C1 - The Flame Incandescent

Genshin Impact Dehya C1
  • Effect: Dehya's Max HP is increased by 20%, and she deals bonus DMG based on her Max HP when using the following attacks: ·Molten Inferno's DMG will be increased by 3.6% of her Max HP. ·Leonine Bite's DMG will be increased by 6% of her Max HP.
  • Importance: Priority

Dehya's Elemental Burst and Elemental Skill both gain additional damage from HP scaling, making additional health a valuable asset for increasing damage potential. Her first constellation also specifically boosts the damage dealt by both her Burst and Skill, adding even more damage. While it does not offer any quality-of-life improvements, increased damage for a low-investment constellation is attractive.

Additionally, Dehya's signature weapon, the Beacon of the Reed Sea, further increases her ATK when she takes damage and her HP if she doesn't have a shield. Due to this, it is not recommended for Genshin Impact players to have a shielder in the party as this added HP can make Dehya tankier, especially considering that she might be taking considerable hits after her damage mitigation ends.

C2 - The Sand-Blades Glittering

Genshin Impact Dehya C2
  • Effect: When Dehya uses Molten Inferno: Ranging Flame, the duration of the recreated Fiery Sanctum field will be increased by 6s. Additionally, when a Fiery Sanctum exists on the field, DMG dealt by its next coordinated attack will be increased by 50% when active character(s) within the Fiery Sanctum field are attacked.
  • Importance: High

Dehya's second constellation (C2) offers a combination of quality-of-life improvements and damage buffs, making it a valuable consideration for players using her as both a Main DPS and Sub-DPS. It is important to note that the first part of the constellation only applies to the duration of the Fiery Sanctum field when it is reapplied as Ranging Flame, and not to its overall duration.

As long as players cast Dehya's Elemental Skill again after the field is activated, the increased duration can be very helpful in maintaining the field for longer. Additionally, the increased damage from coordinated Pyro attacks makes her a more viable choice as an off-field DPS support.

C4 - An Oath Abiding

Genshin Impact Dehya C4
  • Effect: When Flame-Mane's Fist and Incineration Drive attacks unleashed during Leonine Bite hit opponents, they will restore 1.5 Energy for Dehya and 2.5% of her Max HP. This effect can be triggered once every 0.2s.
  • Importance: Low

Dehya's fourth constellation makes energy management a bit easier and offers the added benefit of HP recovery, making it a useful skill for players who want to use her Burst as frequently as possible. It is important to note that Dehya's Burst requires 70 Energy and her particle generation isn't very high, so she will still need a battery character for support. While the constellation passively generates some energy during the entire Burst animation and duration, it is not significant enough to be considered a major benefit, especially at constellation four.

Additionally, the HP recovery is appreciated, but not significant as her Ascension Passive has a similar effect. Genshin Impact players should have a good healer in the party either way as using a shielder is not ideal for Dehya's kit or signature weapon.

C6 - The Burning Claws Cleaving

Genshin Impact Dehya C6
  • Effect: The CRIT Rate of Leonine Bite is increased by 10%. Additionally, after a Flame-Mane's Fist attack hits an opponent and deals CRIT Hits during a single Blazing Lioness state, it will cause the CRIT DMG of Leonine Bite to increase by 15% for the rest of Blazing Lioness's duration and extend that duration by 0.5s. This effect can be triggered every 0.2s. The duration can be extended for a maximum of 2s and CRIT DMG can be increased by a maximum of 60% this way.
  • Importance: Medium

Dehya's C6 enhances her performance as a Burst-based damage dealer with increased Crit Rate and Crit Damage. The extension of the duration of her burst will result in a noticeable increase in damage output. It might look like a great sixth constellation at a glance, however, it also brings some drawbacks.

Maintaining the constant use of Dehya's burst could be challenging for some team compositions, given her low particle generation. Additionally, her burst has a cooldown of 18 seconds and leaves players without control of her attacks, which can harm some teams that rely on quick swapping.

While the increased duration may seem attractive, without a well-built Dehya and a solid supporting team, it may actually lead to overall decreased DPS and disruptions in the rotation for the entire team.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.