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A support in Genshin Impact is equally important as a DPS. Without a proper support, some units in the game won't get to perform as well as they would in the current meta. For example, the combination of Hu Tao + Xingqiu creates a legendary combo, but Hu Tao alone is rather mediocre in damage.

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Among the many supports in Genshin Impact, Sucrose is one of the best units there is. The Catalyst-wielder can provide a large Elemental Mastery boost to her team according to her total Elemental Mastery. This can create a massive difference if Sucrose is included in the correct team composition. Because of the buff she provides, Sucrose's best weapon in Genshin Impact also involves enhancing her Elemental Mastery stat.

8 Solar Pearl

sucrose looking at solar pearl in genshin impact
  • Primary Stat: 510 ATK
  • Secondary Stat: 27.6 % CRIT Rate
  • R5 Effect: Normal Attack hits increase Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG by 40% for 6s. Likewise, Elemental Skill or Elemental Burst hits increase Normal Attack DMG by 40% for 6s.

Just like any other character, Sucrose can also operate as a Sub-DPS in Genshin Impact. However, she can’t really put up numbers like the top DPS characters. The best she can do is to be an off-field Sub-DPS with her Elemental Burst. Weapons like Solar Pearl help her deal more damage since they enhance her ATK and CRIT stats. But, it’s not where Sucrose shine. It is best to play Sucrose as an Anemo Support that shred enemies’ resistance and buff her team’s Elemental Mastery.

7 Favonius Codex

sucrose looking at favonius codex in genshin impact
  • Primary Stat: 510 ATK
  • Secondary Stat: 45.9% Energy Recharge
  • R5 Effect: CRIT hits have a 100% chance to generate a small amount of Elemental Particles, which will regenerate 6 Energy for the character. Can only occur once every 6s.

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Most Support characters in Genshin Impact play well with a Favonius Codex in their hands. That is because the Catalyst is a reliable energy source for the team comp. The only downside this weapon has is that Sucrose should have at least above 30% CRIT Rate in order for Favonius' effect to be triggered.

6 Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers

sucrose looking at thrilling tales of dragon slayers in genshin impact
  • Primary Stat: 401 ATK
  • Secondary Stat: 35.2% HP
  • R5 Effect: When switching characters, the new character taking the field has their ATK increased by 48% for 10s. This effect can only occur once every 20s.

Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers is a simple yet powerful Catalyst in Genshin Impact. This weapon increases the next unit’s ATK by up to 48%. Using Thrilling Tales can be crucial for characters that need this kind of ATK boost. On the other hand, Sucrose can also massively increase her team’s Elemental Mastery, resulting in having two big buffs directed from Sucrose to a certain ally target.

5 The Widsith

sucrose looking at the widsith in genshin impact
  • Primary Stat: 510 Base ATK
  • Secondary Stat: 55.1% CRIT DMG
  • R5 Effect: When a character takes the field, they will gain a random theme song for 10s. This can only occur once every 30s. Recitative: ATK is increased by 120%. Aria: Increases all Elemental DMG by 96%. Interlude: Elemental Mastery is increased by 480.

One of the positive perks of The Widsith is having CRIT DMG on its Secondary Stat. Not only that, but the Widsith also possesses a great passive that can increase one of three stats by a crazy amount. With Sucrose, however, she only needs the Interlude to proc every time she joins the field since it boosts her Elemental Mastery by a whopping 480, of which 20% of that will be granted to the rest of the team.

4 Lost Prayers To The Sacred Winds

sucrose looking at lost prayer in genshin impact
  • Primary Stat: 608 ATK
  • Secondary Stat: 33.1% CRIT Rate
  • R5 Effect: Increases Movement SPD by 10%. When in battle, gain an 8% Elemental DMG Bonus every 4s. Max 4 stacks. Lasts until the character falls or leaves combat.

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Just like Solar Pearl, Lost Prayers to the Sacred Winds can work with Sucrose for its high stats. Other than that, to take full advantage of the weapon’s passive, Sucrose has to stay on the field for an unreliable amount of time, which will cause a huge DPS drop.

3 Skyward Atlas

sucrose looking at skyward atlas in genshin impact
  • Primary Stat: 674 ATK
  • Secondary Stat: 33.1% ATK
  • Effect: Increases Elemental DMG Bonus by 12%. Normal Attack hits have a 50% chance to earn the favor of the clouds. Which actively seek out nearby opponents to attack for 15s, dealing 160% ATK DMG. Can only occur once every 30s.

There’s no denying that Skyward Atlas is a top-tier Catalyst in Genshin Impact. Skyward’s Primary and Secondary stats will greatly increase Sucrose’s ATK, which in turn will buff her damage. The weapon’s passive also helps characters like Sucrose comfortably play as a Sub-DPS.

2 Mappa Mare

sucrose looking at appa mare in genshin impact
  • Primary Stat: 565 ATK
  • Secondary Stat: 110 Elemental Mastery
  • R5 Effect: Triggering an Elemental reaction grants a 16% Elemental DMG Bonus for 10s. Max 2 stacks.

Because Mappa Mare is a Forgeable weapon in Genshin Impact, many players tend to overlook this complete weapon. While Mappa Mare is a 4-star Catalyst, it has a balanced kit that can help Sucrose shine in many areas. With Mappa Mare, Sucrose can:

  1. Deal mediocre DMG through the weapon’s high Base ATK
  2. Have higher numbers on her Swirl reactions
  3. Obtain a 32% Elemental DMG bonus, which will further increase her DMG
  4. Increase the Elemental Mastery buff she grants to her team

1 Sacrificial Fragments

sucrose looking at sacrificial fragments in genshin impact
  • Primary Stat: 454 ATK
  • Secondary Stat: 221 Elemental Mastery
  • R5 Effect: After dealing damage to an opponent with an Elemental Skill, the skill has an 80% chance to end its own CD. Can only occur once every 16s.

Any player that plays Sucrose with Sacrificial Fragments will always feel like it was made for her. This weapon has everything Sucrose needs to succeed as one of the best Supports in Genshin Impact. From the high amount of Elemental Mastery on its Secondary Stat to the valuable passive that allows Sucrose to hit her Elemental Skill one more time, Sacrificial Fragments is easily the best Catalyst for Sucrose in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.