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Constellations in Genshin Impact usually improve the quality of their character’s gameplay. In the case of Klee, her Constellations switch her role while increasing her total DMG during combat. Although Klee can perfectly operate without Constellations, she still can’t be as good as the other DPS.

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This is understandable when looking at Klee’s kit that focuses on her time on the field, while the current Meta is to inflict a massive amount of DMG and then quickly switch to the next unit to do the same. For that, her kit is a bit outdated, and she feels rusty when compared to other Meta Pyro characters.

Are Klee’s Constellations Worth It In Genshin Impact?

klee thinking in genshin impact

Klee barely fulfills her DPS role at C0, so it is worth getting at least two Constellations to shift her into a decent Sub-DPS. C0 Klee is a strong character, but she's too limited to enter the Meta. One by one, Klee’s Constellations help her aim to find her purpose.

C1: Chained Reactions

klee's c1 in genshin impact
  • Effect: Attacks and Skills have a certain chance to summon sparks that bombard opponents, dealing DMG equal to 120% of Sparks 'n' Splash's DMG.
  • Importance: Medium

C1 Klee’s passive effect significantly increases her overall DPS since it will launch sparks during Klee’s field time. It’s another addition to Klee’s kit that is filled with many tiny hits here and there. In addition, C1 Klee’s sparks are considered Burst damage. So, having Klee’s Burst buffed by Noblesse or Raiden’s Skill, for example, will also buff this Constellation’s effect.

C2: Explosive Frags

klee's c2 in genshin impact
  • Effect: Being hit by Jumpy Dumpty's mines decreases opponents' DEF by 23% for 10s.
  • Importance: Priority

C2 Klee’s passive effect is one of the best Constellations in Genshin Impact. Having it unlocked increases the overall of Klee and her team’s damage. Only a few characters are able to reduce enemies’ defense while some ignore a portion of it.

For F2P players who are looking to unlock some of Klee’s Constellations, it is recommended to stop at her C2 as it is enough to give Klee a clear role in combat.

C4: Sparkly Explosion

klee's c4 in genshin impact
  • Effect: If Klee leaves the field during the duration of Sparks 'n' Splash, her departure triggers an explosion that deals 555% of her ATK as AoE Pyro DMG.
  • Importance: High

The fourth Constellation is continuing to shape Klee as a Sub-DPS in Genshin Impact. Having the effect of dealing massive damage when Klee leaves the field encourages players to take advantage of such passive.

The idea here is to cast Klee’s Elemental Burst and then consume as much time as possible from her Burst duration. Then, before it’s done, players must switch Klee out to trigger her C4 effect and unleash a massive explosion.

C6: Blazing Delight

klee's c6 in genshin impact
  • Effect: While under the effects of Sparks 'n' Splash, Klee will regenerate 3 Energy for all members of the party (excluding Klee) every 3s. When Sparks 'n' Splash is used, all party members will gain a 10% Pyro DMG Bonus for 25s.
  • Importance: Medium

C6 Klee’s passive effect allows her to regenerate energy for her teammates while she’s consuming some field time. Now, when C6 Klee joins a team composition, she is able to shred enemies’ defense, successfully occupy the field for a few seconds, leave and trigger massive damage, become a reliant Genshin Impact battery, and activate the Pyro Resonance.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development with no confirmed release date.