Nintendo is currently focused on the launch of their new system, the Nintendo 3DS, but that doesn't mean they've forgotten about Pokemon Black and White owners.

The latest pocket monster titles launched a little less than a month before the 3DS, and both Pokemon Black and White are still fresh in everyone's hearts, minds and handhelds. This is why those who currently own the new Pokemon games will be able to receive one of the seven different evolved forms of Eevee, free of charge, sometime this Spring.

It was confirmed just over a week ago that the Pokemon Global Link update for Black and White had been delayed until sometime this Spring, but anyone who is eager for the update can secure a rare and free Pokemon by completing a few very simple steps. The official Pokemon website has recently posted a a new browser-based game that is extremely similar to the classic mobile game Brick Breaker, but what's really important is that the game doesn't only supply users with a high score and bragging rights. Instead, those who complete the game will receive either Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon or Leafeon.

In order to get an evolved form of Eevee, players have to first have an account on the official Pokemon website. After this is completed, you simply begin playing the new game, and as you destroy different bricks, different colored orbs will fall down out of them. Each orb represents a different type of Eevee evo, so if you want to capture a Jolteon then you're going to need to put your time and focus into catching only the yellow orbs that cascade from the heavens. Whichever colored orb you catch the most of is the Eevee evolution that is offered to you at the end of the game.

Players are only allowed to choose one form, and after you've confirmed which one you want there is no way to go back and change your pick. If you finish the game and you end up getting a form you didn't want then you can just restart the game and the creature won't be forced upon you. Once the Pokemon Global Link update is released, the Eevee evolution can be transferred to your Pokemon Black or White game via the Dream World. Each evolved form also has a rare ability that can't be obtained in-game, so they are certainly worth catching.

There's no word on how long the game and subsequent in-game promotion will be available, so you may as well secure your Pokemon now. I mean you've gotta catch 'em all, unless I'm mistaken.


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Source: Official Pokemon Website