Racing games don't pay enough attention to detail on the same level that the Forza games have done in the past and present. Forza games are made by car enthusiasts for car enthusiasts, and because of that detail is unparalleled to other games in the genre. Forza's open-world titles Forza Horizon takes the detail and turns it up to 11, thanks to the fact that the world around the players is also detailed as much as the car.

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This is the reason why Forza Horizon 5 was one of the best games for GameRant last year and is considered one of TIME's best games in 2021. However, since players are driving for most of the time, they won't be experimenting with what other things Forza Horizon 5 can do, here are some things that players may have missed while playing that will make exploring the Mexican terrain even more awesome.

5 Scaring Animals

sheep running with a car in the background

While not one of the biggest hidden features, it's probably one of the things players won't think about doing. Basically, if players use a car with a loud engine, like many of the supercars in Forza Horizon 5 which have louder engines than most other cars in the game they are more noticeable.

However, while still noticeable for players to hear it which is normal, if players simply stop near any of the animal's population in Forza Horizon 5 they won't do anything at first, but once players start to rev their engines then the animals will flee. Not a huge thing to do, but good for players who want to see how many random things like that are in the game for them to do.

4 Convertible Car Hoods

forza horizon 5 car lowering its hood

Many casual players won't know this or let alone do this, but players who really care about the car and have been experimenting with what else it can do will already know. But for players just playing casually, should try this out and that is lower the roof on their convertible car, some may want to have it up and others will want to have it down.

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So it's good Forza Horizon 5 offers the choice to do that. For looks, players may want to do this because it gives some cars a better look when the hood is brought down. Doing said action is quite simple if players read on how to do it because Forza Horizon 5's UI does not really give any indication.

3 Interior Photo mode

forza horizon 5 cars racing with red flares in the background

One of the best features in all the Forza Horizon games is the photo mode, players spend a lot of time in there trying to get some beautiful shots of their cars over underneath the Mexican sun. Not only that players who are obsessed with how their car looks will spend hours in the photo mode to figure out what they can do aesthetically. Forza Horizon 5 already has some pretty-looking cars, and players who have those cars will spend time in the photo mode trying to get the perfect shot.

However, players may want to take it even further by getting shots of the interior of the car. Doing this is a trick and not really a feature, first players must go to solo mode, wait for a few seconds, reverse a little then rewind to the point where the car was reversed. If those steps are done right, players must go into view mode then go into photo mode within that menu then lightly push the right trigger then reverse again, and the camera should go inside the car. This can make the gallery, even more, compelling because of the diverse shots.

2 Whiplash

forza horizon 5 car with giant soccer ball Cropped

Now, this is something players will notice when driving, but won't notice the context. When driving in the first person, and drivers crash into something the camera will sway forward some players may think that's the camera just simply forward.

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However, if a player changes to third person and then crashes into something, their driver will jerk forward, this can be more noticeable with the faster cars Forza Horizon 5 has. This may seem like a mundane thing to point out, but it showcases the realism that the game has, and how over detailed it can be at times. All those things make Forza Horizon 5 a fun game to play for many gamers.

1 Localized Weather

forza horizon 5 cars driving in a rain storm

One of the most detailed features may go unnoticed because all the weather seems the same, and since the previous Forza Horizon games didn't really have the same depth that Mexico has, players may not pay any mind to it. Since every location in Mexico has its own characteristics with separate biomes in the world each biome will offer something different in terms of weather and the effects it has.

The updated weather effects allow for more immersion meaning at anytime one area will have different weather from another area. So while those dry areas players will encounter more dust and sand effects, other areas may be raining at the same time. This is a really cool feature but may go noticed because players are always moving, players won't really notice those effects unless they look for it.

Forza Horizon 5 is available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.

MORE: Forza Horizon 5: Great Cars For Drifting