Fortnite's 3.6 update is now live, and it brings with it a change to Tilted Towers. No, the update doesn't destroy Tilted Towers with a meteor just yet, but it does offer an idea of when the theorized cataclysmic event will take place.

The latest update for Fortnite decorates the roof of one of the buildings at Tilted Towers with some furniture and signs hyping the meteor's arrival. There are three signs of interest on the roof - one that shows a city (presumably Tilted Towers), another that shows a comet, and a third that has the word "TODAY" crossed out and replaced with "TOMORROW." While Epic could just be trolling players, the evidence does seem to suggest that Fortnite's Tilted Towers will be destroyed by a meteor strike on Wednesday, April 25.

If Tilted Towers isn't destroyed tomorrow, then perhaps Epic will at least offer fans more information about the event. After all, the destruction of Tilted Towers is a rather big change to Fortnite's map, as Epic would be completely removing one of the most populated areas in the game.

fortnite tilted towers comet roof

However, players shouldn't be all that surprised that Epic seems to be willing to make such a big change to Fortnite's map. After all, Epic has already made some drastic changes to the map in the past, such as the large update that added Tilted Towers (along with some other named locations) in the first place.

Epic seems content with tweaking Fortnite's existing map over creating a second map for the increasingly popular battle royale game. And while some fans may want to see a brand new map instead, at least the existing map in Fortnite is changed in an organic way that attempts to tell a story of sorts.

Of course, it's possible Epic has no plans to destroy Tilted Towers at all, and has just been elaborately trolling players for weeks. If Tilted Towers is going to be destroyed tomorrow, we won't have to wait long to find out, but if not, we're sure theorists will select a new day for its destruction.

Fortnite is available now in early access on iOS, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Fortnite Intel