As promised, Fortnite developer Epic Games has begun releasing Overtime challenges as Season 7 begins to wind down. These fairly easy challenges will be a way for players to earn more XP for their current Season 7 Battle Pass but more importantly, those who complete all of them will earn the Season 8 Battle Pass for free.

Among those challenges is one that asks Fortnite players to visit 7 different waterfalls in the game. It’s likely that players have seen some of these waterfalls before but not all will remember their locations. Luckily, there are 11 waterfalls scattered throughout the current Fortnite map, so players shouldn’t have a hard time visiting all 7.

To “visit” a waterfall, all Fortnite players need to do is go nearby the area, either at the top or the bottom. There isn’t any sort of item to collect, but make sure to check the challenges tab to verify that each waterfall counts before moving on to the next one.

where to find waterfalls in fortnite

As some might expect, Loot Lake is a great source for finding waterfalls now that the landscape has shifted so dramatically in Season 6. Once Kevin the Cube was absorbed by it, Loot Lake has offered a lot more verticality and, in turn, waterfalls.

After a Loot Lake visit, it’s more about spreading out to the various corners of the map like Paradise Palms and the southwest area that was frozen over in season 7. Assuming players aren’t instantly killed upon landing or soon after, they should be able to visit seven waterfalls in only a couple of matches.

Alongside the waterfall challenge, today’s Overtime challenges in Fortnite include dealing damage with shotguns, searching chests/ammo boxes at The Block, and placing in the top 10 during a squads match with a friend. Of the four challenges, the top 10 squads might be the hardest depending on a player’s skill level and those of their friends. It’s also worth visiting The Block no matter what, as Epic Games has put a new structure in the Creative mode installation.

Fortnite is available now for mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

Source: Yogaming