Fortnite's Winterfest 2021 event is happening now, and during this time, players can join in on a couple of holiday-related festivities. Players can head over to the Cozy Lodge to meet Sgt. Winter and open up one of 14 presents every day during the event. These Winterfest presents contain things like skins, loading screens, emotes, and harvesting tools. There's also one new winter-themed quest each day for players to tackle for extra XP, and one of these quests asks players to "travel while having Icy Feet."

This Fortnite guide will go over what Icy Feet is and how to get it on the new Chapter 3 map.

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What Are Icy Feet?

snowmen fortnite chapter 3 icy feet

By attacking the snowmen littered about the Fortnite island or getting hit by a Chiller Grenade, players will gain "Icy Feet" for a few seconds, which just means that their feet will have blocks of ice around them. This will of course cause players to slip and slide around the map, and they'll need to travel a certain distance with these on their feet to complete the Winterfest challenge.

How to Get Icy Feet in Fortnite

While players can get Chiller Grenades to cause Icy Feet, these new items can only be found in chests, on the floor, or in supply drops. They're hard to obtain, so the best option for this quest is for players to find some snowmen and hit them with their pickaxe to get Icy Feet. Players will need to use several snowmen, though, as one won't be enough to cover the total distance needed.

There are two great locations on the map with lots of snowmen, and that's Camp Cuddle and Greasy Grove. While dropping into these areas, players should have no trouble spotting the snowmen. The group of snowmen in Greasy Grove is towards the south side of the point of interest, and in Camp Cuddle, there are snowmen all around the north side.

fortnite icy feet snowman locations

Since there are more snowmen at Camp Cuddle, that should be the priority, but since both of these locations are near reach other, it shouldn't be a problem to hit up Greasy Grove first and then go to Camp Cuddle if more Icy Feet is needed. Once the quest is all done and finished, players will earn XP towards unlocking rewards on the battle pass.

Fortnite is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. The mobile version of the game is currently unavailable.

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