Those loading into Epic Games' battle royale today may be wondering what the timer in Fortnite is, and what exactly it's counting down to. They aren't alone either, as the Fortnite countdown is pretty mysterious, though there is one thing, in particular, that fans believe it's leading to, and its a pretty big deal for the game at large.

It appears that the Fortnite timer is counting down to Fortnite's live doomsday event, revealing when fans will actually be able to partake in the cataclysm. If the Fortnite timer really is counting down to doomsday, then players can expect the event to launch on May 30 at 11:05 am PDT/1:05 pm EDT. Fortnite's doomsday event has been highly anticipated, so it will, no doubt, draw a crowd.

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Those that want to see the Fortnite timer countdown for themselves don't need to look very far, as the apparent doomsday clock is available from Fortnite's lobby screen, as well as on the desk in Midas' room. There really isn't that much special about the timer, though Fortnite countdowns do have a tendency to get fans excited for the future of the game.

Midas in front of timer

Back in April, Fortnite leaked a doomsday device, as well as several other assets relating to a doomsday event. That immediately led to speculation within the Fortnite community about what was to come for the game. The Fortnite countdown timer confirms that doomsday is nearly upon the game, which should excite fans, as it means changes will be coming.

Even beyond the Fortnite timer, the game has plenty going on. Just a few days ago, Fortnite debuted a Tenet trailer, furthering the game's fusion with other pop culture mediums. The game has become something of a spectacle, and adding things like the countdown timer in Fortnite only help build the game's reputation more.

It isn't entirely clear what the doomsday event will entail, but one can hope that it will be one of the best events the game has held yet. Wondering what the Fortnite timer is for is enough to keep players logging in intrigued, which helps keep a consistent player base in the game.

Fortnite is available now for mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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Source: Newsweek