Fortnite's Visitor has caught players by surprise, dropping a Rift Beacon near The Block but having it turn away from the player-built area of the map. The latest Rift Field in Fortnite's battle royale map has instead turned to the side, revealing a brand new named Fortnite area. Introducing Starry Suburbs, a new suburban area placed to the north of Pleasant Park. The new Rift Zone opens up a new area for Fortnite players to drop and has an incredible amount of great loot quite literally raining from the sky.

Starry Suburbs gimmick is, as its name implies, is littered with shooting stars. Little starry bobbles will fall from the sky, landing anywhere within the Rift Zone's field. When picked up and opened, these stars can drop loot of incredible quality -- including an all-new weapon, the Legendary Tactical SMG. It makes Starry Suburbs into one of the most valuable drop locations in the game. There's no need to roam a named location hunting for treasure chests when great loot is simply falling from the sky. Keeping other players away from the stars is another matter entirely.

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Technically, this isn't the first time that Fortnite players have visited Starry Suburbs. The area was available all the way back during the early days of Fortnite's Season Zero. It was also a complete ruin, a mystery only partially solved with the new Starry Suburbs' appearance. Now the area is rebuilt, a cozy little suburb like its name implies. The mystery of what caused the so-to-speak real-world Starry Suburbs remains unclear, however.

The original ruins of Starry Suburbs in Fortnite's past were eventually replaced by the game's first soccer stadium. Then after that, a drive-in movie theater. Its role in the history of Fortnite is small when compared to the other Rift Zones, but its importance could be much simpler than meets the eye. It could simply be representing Season 0, the origins of Fortnite. It could simply be the final piece of the puzzle that is Season 10's celebration of all things Fortnite.

Fortnite small town engulfed by blue forcefield

Relatively little else changed in Week 9 of Season 10 beyond the introduction of Starry Suburbs. The map just added Batman's Gotham last week, so maybe the team was already a tad overworked. The Visitor's rocket over in Dusty Depot received two additional boosters, showing how close it is to launching. And within Visitor's rocket launch site, his work station's screens shows that the BRUTE mechs are being corrupted by some sort of red infection. It's all coming together, with Week 10 certain to be explosive.

Fortnite is available now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One, and mobile devices.

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Source: Epic Games