Almost like clockwork, Epic Games has released a new update for Fortnite that includes a new weapon, a new mode, and some key changes to the game. Most will be aware that this update adds the new Guided Missile weapon to Fortnite Battle Royale, but this week also sees the return of Sniper Shootout, albeit with some changes.

Guided Missile Details

First things first, the Guided Missile. Fortnite Battle Royale players will be happy to know that the new weapon acts almost exactly like they imagined. Players fire the rocket and then are able to move it in any direction for up to 18 seconds. However, while guiding the missile, players are vulnerable to attack, so there is some risk involved with using the weapon. Epic also says that the missile has 100 health, which suggests that players could shoot it out of the sky.

Shotgun Rarity Changes

Alongside the addition of a new weapon, Fortnite Battle Royale is making a slight change to shotgun classification to better represent their utility. Essentially, tactical shotguns have been downgraded by 1 tier in each rarity, and pump shotguns have been upgraded by 1.

new shotgun colors

So now the tactical shotguns can come in common (white), uncommon (green), and rare (blue) forms, while the pump shotgun can be either green or blue. This is seemingly Epic’s way of telling players that, although the purple tactical shotgun may have seemed better, the green pump (now blue) is actually just as, if not more, lethal.

Sniper Shootout V2

This week’s Fortnite update also adds version 2 of the Sniper Shootout mode. The mode functions similar to version 1, only the hunting rifle and the crossbow have been added to the weapon rotation and the magnum has been taken out. This mode is for the long-range elite and every down is an elimination; there are no revives.

And just in time for Easter, Fortnite is getting a themed quest for the Save the World mode as well as a very disturbing bunny costume, while Battle Royale will be reskinning the grenade launcher as an egg launcher.

fortnite rabbit raider skin

Those are the highlights of the update for Fortnite Battle Royale, but curious players can read the full update v3.4 patch notes here.

Fortnite is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.