Yesterday, the Fortnite Season 6 Week 8 challenges went live, and although many are straightforward, some are a bit more difficult to complete. It's worth noting that those who do manage to complete them, however, will be able to find a hidden banner somewhere in the game. Combine that with the few weeks remaining in the season, some players are likely feeling the pressure.

Nevertheless, they shouldn't feel hard-pressed to complete these challenges, as we've compiled this Fortnite guide to help those trying to complete the free and battle pass challenges. Check them out below:

fortnite screen challenges season 6 week 8

Free Challenges

Stage 1: Visit Lonely Lodge and Retail Row in a single match – 5 Battle Stars

  • Stage 1: Visit Lonely Lodge and Retail Row in a single match
  • Stage 2: Visit Junk Junction and Pleasant Park in a single match
  • Stage 3: Visit Fatal Fields and Flush Factory in a single match
  • Stage 4: Visit Lazy Links and Haunted Hills in a single match
  • Stage 5: Visit Tomato Temple and Shifty Shafts in a single match

Although this challenge appears to be somewhat difficult, it should come with relative ease if the player is also trying to complete the battle pass challenge requiring mobility items (Grappling Gun, Launch Pad, Rift-to-Go). Each should increase the player's speed as they travel from location to location, but vehicles are also an option. Running from location to location is also a possibility, but the good news is that is also correlates well with the fish trophy challenge and the visit 4 named location challenges. Try to complete them at the same time for the most efficiency.

Dance with a fish trophy at seven different named locations – 5 Battle Stars

The hardest part of this challenge is simply finding the fish trophies, but luckily, each location can be seen below. It's worth noting that Retail Row and Wailing Woods both offer players the most amount of fish trophies in a single location. For more exact locations, check out this Fish Trophy Guide.

(2) Six Shooter or Heavy Assault Rifle Eliminations (HARD) – 10 Battle Stars

This elimination challenge is rather direct and doesn't require many kills. Players should just be mindful of this challenge and keep an eye out for either a Six Shooter or Heavy Assault Rifle. Earn two kills with each of them, and boom, the challenge is done.

For those looking for a cheat sheet, check this out:

fortnite complete all season 6 week 8 challenges map

Battle Pass Challenges

Get a score of 3 on 3 different Clay Pigeon Shooters – 5 Battle Stars

Returning from season 5, players once again have to complete the Clay Pigeon challenge, which are mostly in the same location as last season. Once there, activate the shooter and take down 3 clay pigeons to complete the challenge. For their locations, check out the above cheat sheet, but also check out this Clay Pigeon guide for more details.

Get 250,000 Trick Points in a vehicle – 5 Battle Stars

To complete this challenge, players have three choices: the shopping cart, the ATK, and the Quadcrusher. Simply get some air and stick the landing to complete this challenge. One way to do this directly is to build a ramp in an isolated location and simply keep hitting it until reaching 250,000 points.

Visit 4 different Named Locations in a single match (HARD) – 10 Battle Stars

Although this challenge is dubbed hard, it works well in conjunction with several challenges, so mindful players shouldn't have much trouble completing the challenge. Simply drop to one location, visit two of the named locations in the free challenges, and end up in another to complete this challenge. While heading to that last location, lucky players may be able to make it to the final location by completing a step in the following challenge as well.

Stage 1: Use a Grappling Hook (HARD) – 3 Battle Stars

  • Stage 2: Use a Launch Pad
  • Final Stage: Use a Rift-to-Go

Simple and straightforward, players should keep an eye out for these items and try to complete them in conjunction with the above challenges.

After completing all of these, Fortnite players will be able to bag the hidden banner and stand ready for the remainder of the season. For those playing catch-up, we've also compiled a guide on where to find all season 6 hidden battle stars and banners, so be sure to check that out as well, Ranters.

Fortnite is available now in early access on Android, iOS, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

Source: Reddit