With a new Fortnite season here, players will get the chance to interact with NPCs around the map as they fight to be the last one standing. There will be some familiar faces from previous seasons, but as with each new addition to the game, there are some new NPCs for players to meet. In total, there are 22 available, but they won't all appear in each match.

When players first interact with each NPC in Fortnite, they will offer the player a gift in the form of five Bandages, three Small Shield Potions, or one Medkit (which one drops will be random). If players talk with them again, they'll offer the player new weapons, weapon upgrades, or even the ability to hire them in exchange for bars (most notably Meowscles). As the first weekly quest of the season will show, a few of the NPCs will need to be interacted with to potentially complete each quest chain.

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NPC Locations in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 NPC Locations

Here's where players can find each of Fortnite's NPCs in Chapter 3, Season 4.


Fortnite NPC Kit Location

Located in a house on the Western side of Reality Tree. This is the same house where Meowscles can be found, but only one of the two will appear in each match.


Fortnite NPC Meowscles Location

Located in a house on the Western side of Reality Tree. This is the same house where Kit can be found, but only one of the two will appear in each match.


Fortnite NPC Cryptic Location

Located in the main floating zephyr of Rave Cave.


Fortnite NPC Kyle Location

Located just by the Northern border of the map, just above Logjam Junction. He can be found walking around the second floor of the ski house.

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Fortnite NPC Sabina Location

Located Northeast of Logjam Junction (or Northwest of Sleepy Sound). There is a two-story house where Sabina will be walking up and down the stairs of the main foyer.


Fortnite NPC Fishstick Location

Located in Sleepy Sound. In the Northern part of the town, he can be found in a fast food shop.


Fortnite NPC Rustler Location

Located in Shifty Shafts. She will be walking around above ground, not within the mines themselves.


Fortnite NPC Maximillian Location

Located up high on a flying boat, just South of Shifty Shafts.

Bao Bros

Fortnite NPC Bao Bros Location

This is the only NPC that requires a Vault Key to get to. He's located South of Shifty Shafts, immediately West of Coney Crossroads. There is a Vault underground that requires one key to open. He'll be waiting to get in the player's way inside the Vault.

Beach Bomber

Fortnite NPC Beach Bomber Location

Located in Coney Crossroads, inside a restaurant on the Eastern side of the town.


Fortnite NPC Blackheart Location

Located in the flying ship floating in the Lustrous Lagoon.


Fortnite NPC Sunbird

Located just Northeast of the Lustrous Lagoon. She'll be walking around the central pyramid of this area.


Fortnite NPC Evie Location

Located on the large island immediately East of the Lustrous Lagoon. She's inside the house walking between the first and second floors.

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Relaxed Fit Jonesy

Fortnite NPC Relaxed Fit Jonesy Location

Located in Fort Jonesy. There are four Jonesy NPCs in total, but only one will show up each match. Relaxed Fit Jonesy will be in the Northwestern building of the Fort.

Jonesy the First

Fortnite NPC Jonesy the First Location

Located in Fort Jonesy. There are four Jonesy NPCs in total, but only one will show up each match. Jonesy the first will underneath the Northeastern building of the Fort.

Bunker Jonesy

Fortnite NPC Bunker Jonesy Location

Located in Fort Jonesy. There are four Jonesy NPCs in total, but only one will show up each match. Bunker Jonesy will be in the Southwestern area of the Fort, walking just next to a camper.

Castaway Jonesy

Fortnite NPC Castaway Jonesy Location

Located in Fort Jonesy. There are four Jonesy NPCs in total, but only one will show up each match. Castaway Jonesy will be in the Southeastern building of the Fort.


Fortnite NPC Panther Location

Located in a shop just Northwest of the Shimmering Shrine (Northeast of Rocky Reels).


Fortnite NPC Mancake Location

Located in a building on the Eastern side of Rocky Reels.


Fortnite NPC Stashd Location

Located in an auto shop on the Northwestern side of Chonker's Speedway.

The Underwriter

Fortnite NPC The Underwriter Location

Located on the second floor of the central building in Tilted Towers.


Fortnite NPC Guaco Location

Located in a fast food restaurant in the middle of Greasy Grove.

Fortnite is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Fortnite Season 4: How to Get Keys and Open Vaults