Players that are interested in unlocking the Pimento Head customization for their Snap skins in Fortnite must find three Tover Tokens in Rave Cave. The complexity of this location can make tracking down all these Tokens slightly difficult, though, and some fans may need a bit of direction. That is exactly what can be found in this guide, and players that read on should have no trouble finding Fortnite's Rave Cave Tover Tokens.

Fortnite: Rave Cave Tover Token Locations

The first thing that players that are working on this Snap Quest should do is make their way to Rave Cave, which is situated west of the map's center, and hop in a Baller. For the uninitiated, Ballers in Fortnite are transparent spherical vehicles that fans can enter, and there are several of them scattered around Rave Cave. More specifically, there are two in the giant Cuddle Team Leader head, two on the deck of the multicolor building east of the head, and two in the cave south of the head.

RELATED: Fortnite: Where to Find Tover Tokens in Reality Falls

Regardless of the specific Baller that a player commandeers, they should make their way to the top of the Cuddle Team Leader head once they have the vehicle. From this position, fans should hop on the track that leads southward out of the head. This track circles around to the head's lower portion, and players will run into the first Tover Token on the track as they emerge out of the east side.

fortnite rave cave tover token locations

Fans should now continue along the track as it twists and turns. Players that follow this instruction will eventually find themselves passing through the fuselage of an airplane, and they will run into the second Tover Token as they enter the craft. While fans should obtain this Tover Token in Fortnite without any further input, they can try jumping with the Baller if they are not coming into contact with the collectible while riding on the track.

With two Tokens in hand, players are ready to collect the final one, and that is very simple thing to do. Indeed, Fortnite fans that remain in their Ballers and stay on the track will ultimately enter an interior space, and they will run into the third Tover Token before they come out the other side. This means that players can complete the entirety of the Rave Cave Snap Quest without doing much of anything, provided that they put in some preliminary effort and obtain a Baller.

Fortnite is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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