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One Fortnite quest for Week 8 of Chapter 3, Season 2 involves traveling to the burnt craters scattered around Island Artemis and planting saplings there. This challenge tasks players with visiting the battle-scarred bomb sites left in the wake of Fortnite’s season-long conflict between the Seven and the IO, with the aim of bringing some life back to the ruins.

While sounding simple on paper, players will need to keep a close eye on their minimap to attain the 20K XP reward for completing the challenge. This quest calls into question players’ knowledge of Fortnite’s ever-changing map and encourages thorough exploration of areas fairly devoid of useful loot. This guide will help players find the bomb craters and the location of the planting areas to finish the challenge.

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Where to Find the Bomb Craters


There are currently five different bomb crater clusters as of Week 8 of Chapter 3, Season 2. At each one, Loopers can find three different spots to plant saplings, meaning they need only visit one to complete the challenge.

There are two craters located south of Greasy Grove, two north of The Daily Bugle, and one southwest of The Joneses. At the time of writing, a bug prevents sapling spots from spawning at the site northeast of the Daily Bugle, so players are recommended to visit the other locations until a hotfix is released.

Where to Find the Saplings


One of the easier sapling locations is southwest of Greasy Grove, as these three planting locations are clustered quite close to each other. One is found on the north-western edge of the craters, another can be found at the northeast, and a final one at the southern tip.


South-east of Greasy Grove is another easy place to complete this challenge. At the center of this cluster is one large crater, around which players can find saplings to the east, west, and south.


The saplings at The Joneses are much more spread out and difficult to find, due to the sheer size of the bomb site. For players in the area, one is found between a brazier and a fallen tree near a pond on the eastern edge of the site.

Another is found directly west of this, near the dirt path leading to Tumbledown Temple. The last sapling is located near some tree stumps on the southwest side of the craters.


The site north of the Daily Bugle also features some fairly outspread sapling sites, though they don’t require as much zigzagging across the map as those at The Joneses, as they can be found mostly in a straight line leading away from the house.

One is found south of the brick house, at the southernmost crater between the two driveways; another is found just north of the house by a large bush along the dirt path, and a final one is found at the northmost crater.

Be sure to keep an eye on the minimap while searching for the saplings, as the small exclamation marks are useful when tracking down exact locations. With this guide, players should have all they need to complete the sapling planting quest, earn the 20K XP, and be well on their way to earning Chapter 3, Season 2’s high-level cosmetics.

Fortnite is currently available for Android, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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