Fortnite's weekly challenges and quests are a great way for players to get some extra experience points towards the season's battle pass. One of the Season 7, Week 4 challenges tasks players with placing down some lost missing person signs around the map, specifically at Weeping Woods and Misty Meadows.

In order for the quest to be completed, Fortnite players will need to place down at least four signs, but there are four to be found at both locations.

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Missing Person Signs in Weeping Woods

One of the missing person signs in Weeping Woods is in the back of a lodge northeast of the Weeping Woods area. If players face the house from the north, they'll see the glowing blue welcome sign and will need to interact with it. Like any other Fortnite quest, players should be careful, as other players are likely to show up, too, so having a good weapon or two is a must.

The location can be seen circled in red down below:

fortnite weeping woods missing person sign 1

To place down two more signs in Weeping Woods, players should now head to a large lodge just southeast of the previous location. There will a sign on the eastern edge of the home and another on the western side. Both signs will be slightly outside of the home near an entrance, so players shouldn't have to go searching inside of the home's multiple floors and rooms.

weeping woods

And for the fourth missing person sign in Weeping Woods, players should head to the point on the map shown below, which is right where the word "Woods" is. There will be a little shack right there, with a vending machine against it. The sign will be in front of the shack.

fortnite missing persons sign

Misty Meadows Missing Person Signs

If players would rather search for the missing person signs at Misty Meadows, here are the four locations:

  • At the western entrance of Misty Meadows, there will be a bus stop and a payphone --the signpost will be right there.
  • There's a staircase just southwest of the word "Misty" on the Fortnite map. The blue sign will be next to it.
  • Head east across the Misty Meadows bridge in the middle of the town and players will see a shop with a pig logo on the front of it. The missing person sign will be to the side of the shop near a bush.
  • Keep heading further into the town until the northern exit is in reach, and the sign will be in front of a store with blue/white awnings and a bench.

Fortnite is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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