While Fortnite certainly gives players plenty of things to do across its expansive island, the majority of those things are able to be done solely via quests. While the Shuffled Shrines puzzle does meet the criteria of a new Fortnite quest, players can solve it every time they enter a match for treasure. However, solving the Shuffled Shrines puzzle is easier said than done.

Epic Games' popular battle royale title just rolled out its latest fully-fledged update a few days ago. Amongst other things, the Fortnite update adds the new Shuffled Shrines POI, as well as the Indiana Jones cosmetics and quests that must be completed in order to unlock them. One quest, in particular, requires players to find a secret door past Shuffled Shrines' main chamber, which can only be accessed by solving the aforementioned puzzle.

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How to Solve Shuffled Shrines Puzzle

In order for players to solve the puzzle at Shuffled Shrines, they'll likely want help, or to grab something like the new Charge SMG to survive the early slaughter inevitably caused by a new quest-rich POI.

At the location's center are four pyramid-like stones with a different symbol on each side. In order to open the main chamber, players will have to hit the rocks, so that the proper symbols are displayed facing away from the sealed door. To find out the correct symbols in the correct order, players will need to find them in the following locations (and order):

  • Stone 1 - The first stone is underground, towards the southwest.
  • Stone 2 - The second stone is at ground level in the very northwest corner.
  • Stone 3 - Players can find the third stone under a red tent/overhang.
  • Stone 4 - The final stone is located to the east, under a platform at ground level.

Once players have memorized the correct symbol order, they'll need to hit the rocks until the proper faces are displayed. If complete, the sealed door will rumble open, revealing a hallway to the main chamber.

Avoid the different-colored tiles if getting damaged by poison arrows doesn't sound appealing, and remove the golden Tomatohead relic to trigger the classic Raiders of the Lost Ark boulder, and shake loose an important wall. So long as players aren't in the hallway, they should be clear of the boulder's path.

Look toward the east to see a dark doorway covered by foliage, which players can enter. Turn left, and a newly cracked wall will be visible, with players able to hop or chop their way in to a secret room complete with two Rare Chests.

The quest is now complete. However, Indy has plenty more archeological adventures on the island, including a pair of Durrrburger Relics to collect in a single match.

Fortnite is free-to-play on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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