Now that Naruto and the gang are in Fortnite now, Epic Games has also been promoting a new fan-made creative mode map that attempts to replicate Hidden Leaf Village, a central location from the Naruto series. Fortnite players can jump into the new Hidden Leaf Village Adventure map by changing the game mode in the main menu. And once players get inside the village, there are a couple of quests for them to complete. The first one is given to players by Naruto himself, and they need to find a few of his scrolls scattered throughout the village --here's how to find them all to move on to the next quest from Kakashi.

Naruto's Scrolls Locations in Fortnite's Hidden Leaf Village Adventure

After accepting the quest from the board, players will see a large yellow arrow leading them to the Hokage Residence. The first scroll will be floating right next to Naruto, giving players an example of how the scrolls look. There's plenty of Ramen bowls to find on the map, too, but the scrolls are what Fortnite players need to find.

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The first Naruto scroll in Fortnite can be found right near the quest board, atop the shop's roof. If players are having trouble jumping on top of it, they can use the small crate nearby as a jumping-off point.

fortnite scrolls naruto hidden leaf vilage 1

The next one can be found southeast of the quest board on top of a building.

fortnite narutos scrolls

The next one can be found on the opposite side of the previous one, southwest of the quest board on top of a building with grass all over it.

fortnite naruto scrolls locations

And the last of Naruto's Scrolls can be found west of the quest board, sitting next to a swingset east of Kakashi's location.

fortnite scroll location

After collecting all of the scrolls in the village for Naruto, that large yellow arrow will appear once again to lead players back to the Hokage Residence. Speak to Naruto and then head to the Rewards Room to claim a "prize," which is just a scroll of Naruto on the front with a message. Not much of a prize for players, but it is a fun distraction from the battle royale shenanigans that Fortnite offers.

Fortnite is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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