Fortnite brought in the new year with some big explosions and fireworks, similar to the new year's celebration for 2019. The celebration was a gathering of gamers ready to bring in 2020 with some Battle Royale Matches and fireworks. But players also got an additional little gift; a new glider for a finding an unlit firework on the map.

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How to Light the Fireworks

Lucky for players, they only need to light one firework, and they'll be located in three places on the map. Unfortunately though, there are limited numbers of fireworks per match, so players will have to make sure to get to one of those locations early. Since Fortnite is one of the most popular games of the year, players will have to fight for their firework.

Actually lighting the firework is pretty easy; just walk right up to the firework and hit the interact button (which changes based on the system players are playing Fortnite on). Once the firework it lit, players will get the achievement and loot as a reward.

Fireworks Locations

There are three locations for the Fortnite fireworks locations. They are Craggy Cliffs, Sweaty Sands, and Dirty Docks. Here's a map to help out:

Fortnite map with fireworks locations

Once players are at the locations, they can find the fireworks by going to the beach areas. The fireworks are red-and-white striped, so they should be easy to see against the beaches. Light just one and earn the 2020 limited-time glider that players can show off when they play with their friends on split screen Fortnite. If there aren't any fireworks left at that location, players can try one of the other two locations, but it may be best to wait until next match. While it will be difficult to find one without getting killed first, keep at it; the fireworks will only be there for a limited time.

Although players won't be able to enjoy the 2020 Annual Pass because it was cancelled, they will at least be able to get a celebratory 2020 glider to bring in the new year, up until January 7th.

Fortnite is PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Android, Xbox One, iOS, Microsoft Windows, and Macintosh operating systems.

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Source: Newsweek, Polygon