Week 14 is the last chance for Fortnite players to earn XP for the current Season 7 Battle Pass. This final batch of Epic Quests have a focus on Alien and IO themes, including this challenge to eliminate an attached Alien Parasite.

Fortnite players shouldn't try and complete this quest by looking for an enemy with an alien on their head, as it could take a very long time to come across one. There are two easier methods to clearing the challenge quickly.

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How to Eliminate an Attached Parasite in Fortnite

There are two easy ways to complete this week 14 Fortnite challenge:

  • Shoot the parasite off a friend's head
  • Shoot the parasite off an animal's head

Eliminate an Attached Parasite with a Friend Method

Fortnite week 14 epic quest season 7 holly hatchery alien biome

Playing with a friend in Fortnite is the best way to eliminate an attached Parasite quickly. Both players should land in an area with Alien Eggs first. These are found all over the map, but some good locations include:

Any small area with purple grass tends to contain some Alien Parasites as well. Holly Hatchery is the best place to land on the map to clear this Epic Quest, as it is easy to spot the green eggs, and the area contains a lot of loot.

Once the eggs have been found, walk towards one and a parasite will burst out. Let the creature attach to either players' head, and then the other can eliminate it. Fortnite has removed friendly fire, so don't worry about causing accidental damage. The challenge is also party assist enabled, meaning it only requires one member of the squad to eliminate an attached Parasite to clear the quest for everyone.

Fortnite How to Eliminate an attached Alien Parasite map

Eliminate an Attached Parasite With an Animal Method

If playing solo, the week 14 Epic Quest can also be cleared fairly quickly if players find an infected animal in Fortnite. There are unfortunately no guaranteed spawns for animals, as they like to roam about the map.

Boars and wolves are spotted more regularly in wooded areas, and chickens are usually found around farms like Corny Complex, but it's finding one that also has a Parasite attached that is the main problem. If players are struggling to come across an infected animal, they can try to search for an ordinary one near water while they have a Parasite attached to their own head.

Fortnite weeping woods week 14 season 7 epic quest

This way, once an animal is found, players can go for a swim to detach the alien, and then lead it to the animal when the Parasite starts following them again. The river in Weeping Woods is a great place to try this.

After completing this Epic Quest for 30K XP, players can then move on to the final task in the questline to ignite structures in Holly Hatchery and Corny Complex.

Fortnite is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: Fortnite: How to Buy and Activate a Rift for Week 14 Quest