For most gamers April 18th holds little significance, but for Fortnite players it has the potential to be a big day. Today is the rumored date for the big comet crash that has been teased throughout Fortnite over the last few weeks, which reportedly will demolish Tilted Towers and introduce a new mode.

While nothing has happened yet, Fortnite players are reporting larger meteors and shooting stars in the sky, suggesting that Epic Games has changed something in the game’s skybox. None of those shooting stars have touched land yet, though, but there is a new Fortnite update slated to release at some point today that will add the light machine gun and bring back the 50v50 limited time mode.

For those that might be following the ongoing saga of the Fortnite comet, things started to gain steam when players noticed a series of telescopes scattered around the Battle Royale map. Theories ran rampant as to what the telescopes might show, with some speculating that Epic Games planned to destroy Tilted Towers. Although the location is a popular spot for high kill games, some believed Epic was not a fan of Tilted Towers and planned to demolish it.

Then, a controller “bug” started making players’ controllers vibrate in what was presumed to be a sequence. When the vibration sequence was decoded, it pointed to April 18th.

Those small details didn’t hold much weight on their own, but then players were able to spot a meteor-like design within the foundation of Tilted Towers by glitching underground. It only made sense that an item like that would be found under Tilted Towers if Epic Games truly had something planned. And apparently, that plan included a new mode called Impact, which was revealed by a datamine earlier this month.

Needless to say, everything continues to point towards an imminent meteor strike on Tilted Towers and now an increase in shooting stars has further fueled the flames. Had today gone by without any change in Fortnite, we might have chalked it up to a convincing theory, but the stars seem to be aligning.

Fortnite is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.