The Most Wanted event is currently taking place in Fortnite, and fans have until February 28 to be a part of it and join in on the fun. During this time, exclusive Reality Augments will be available, as well as new special weapons and temporarily unvaulted weapons.

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Players can participate in awesome heists and get into exclusive vaults filled with game-changing loot. This guide will explain exactly how Fortnite fans can get keycards from Cold Blooded enemies and open up these powerful vaults; it's certainly a complicated task, especially if unsure how to approach the situation at first.

Vault Locations

where to find vaults in fortnite

Chapter 4 Season 1's Fortnite map is quite large, but still, for the event, only three vaults were added, and they will only spawn in the same locations: Shattered Slabs, Brutal Bastion, and Faulty Splits. The vaults will appear on every player's map and mini-map right at the start of the match.

These areas are particularly dangerous; not only because they're named locations and can be selected as Hot Spots at the start of the match but also because they're connected to the event vaults, many players will attempt to go there to get the best loot. On top of that, they're riddled with Cold Blooded enemies, which will become hostile as soon as the player's Heat level meter starts increasing.

How to Collect Keycards and Open Vaults

attempting to open vault without keycard

If the player gets to an unopened vault without collecting a keycard, a message will appear saying that it is required; otherwise, it will remain locked --the player must first get the keycard and then return.

There are various types of Cold Blooded enemies; most of them are grunts, as there is only one Cold Blooded Boss per vault location. Cold Blooded Suits wander the nearby area; many of them gather near the boss and vault opening.

taking down a cold blooded suit

The boss must be defeated so that it can drop the keycard, but it's best to take the henchmen out first since they will attempt to protect the boss and make it harder to defeat it. Each Cold Blooded enemy that's eliminated will count towards the player's Heat level progress. This isn't necessarily a bad thing since having a high Heat level will increase the player's base speed and allow them to regenerate health and shields once out of combat.

fighting cold blooded boss in most wanted event

Cold Blooded Bosses generally look different from the other heist enemies, and their health bar is much bigger, so it's not difficult to tell them apart. Attempting to take down a Cold Blooded Boss is much easier with other squadmates, but that doesn't mean it's impossible in solos.

Although when trying to do this in a solo match, it's important to go in prepared; this means taking care of any nearby enemy players or Cold Blooded henchmen, collecting decent loot and ammo, and getting to max health and shields.

vault keycard in-game loot

Once defeated, the Cold Blooded Boss will drop a Legendary rarity Vault Keycard which must be taken and inserted into the vault opening.

Eliminating Cold Blooded Bosses will count towards the "defeat a boss" Geralt of Rivia quest.

keycard access granted fortnite

The player will then be granted access to the vault and be able to explore it freely. If defeating Cold Blooded enemies doesn't get the player's Heat level to its maximum capacity, then opening the vault and everything that it contains inside will certainly get the job done; there are various chests, rare chests, and cash registers inside the vault, all of which count towards Heat level progress.

Fortnite is available for mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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