After years of build-up, Final Fantasy 7 Remake brought a classic PlayStation title into the aesthetics of modern gaming, but it's far from the only time Final Fantasy fans have received a visual update to an old-school game. Originally published in 2000, Final Fantasy 9 may not be the most iconic title in the series but it has its share of dedicated fans. Now, some of those fans are hard at work recreating Final Fantasy 9 with modern graphics as part of Final Fantasy 9: Memoria Project.

Despite appearances, Final Fantasy 9: Memoria Project is not actually a remake of the original game--it just looks and sounds like one. Memoria Project is a visual proof of concept designed to show off exactly how good a full remake with AAA graphics could look, as well as draw attention to how much fans of Final Fantasy 9 want to see that remake. It completely lacks any actual gameplay elements, meaning that fans will never be able to play it.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 9 Designer Shares How the Game Changed Due to System Limitations

Recently, 3D character artist Dan Eder--the lead on Memoria Project--shared a one-minute-long video showing off the vibrant world he's recreated. The video is largely dedicated to showing off the lovingly realized opening area of Alexandria, which has previously been featured in Memoria Project screenshots, concept art, and brief animations. About halfway through, the adorable black mage Vivi appears, and at the end of the video, he jolts into motion to conjure and dismiss a ball of flame.

This longer clip easily could have been taken from a CGI movie rather than a video game, which may raise the expectations for any theoretical Final Fantasy 9 remake Square Enix is planning. Vivi's animations are especially smooth, from his glowing eyes to his small gestures. Although no one would mistake this highly stylized video for real life or even cosplay, it feels very lifelike nonetheless.

As of writing, it appears that other fans are excited to see more of Memoria Project, even if it isn't a true Final Fantasy 9 remake. Several users stated that this video looked amazing and they couldn't wait to see more characters brought to life. One user noted that it reminded them of the Spyro remakes, a second said it reminded them of Fable, and a third observed a resemblance to Kena: Bridge of Spirits. A number of fans expressed concerns that Square Enix would target Memoria Project with DMCA takedowns, despite the project being non-profit and without any actual gameplay.

Final Fantasy 9 is available now on PC, PS1, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and mobile devices.

MORE: If Final Fantasy 9 Remake is Real, It Should Pull Sparingly From FF7 Remake