Final Fantasy 7 Remake presents players with a variety of choices throughout the game, some of which are inconsequential and some of which do not benefit the player who makes a certain choice. Oftentimes, it's choices that many do not expect to carry the most weight, as some of the consequences do not take place until later chapters in FF7 Remake. NOTE: This article contains SPOILERS for the game, though we try to refrain from story spoilers as much as possible. Turn back now to avoid spoiler territory.

The key thing to remember is that many of this choices will not have immediate reward or blowback, but some will certainly influence chapter 14 and the final chapter. In chapter 14, Final Fantasy 7 Remake players will get treated to a special scene a depending on player choice, whereas the order in which other characters appear in the final chapter will also vary as a result. FINAL SPOILER WARNING.

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Bomb Timer, Flowers, and More

Final Fantasy 7 Chapter 1 - On the bomb timer, select 20 minutes. This will result in a reward from Jessie in chapter 2, whereas picking 30 minutes does nothing for the FF7 Remake player.

Final Fantasy 7 Chapter 2 - In the "here this is for you" flower choice, choose "how much?" to increase chances of seeing Aerith's scene in chapter 14. Anything else has no real influence on the narrative, though Aerith will like the follow-up answer "fine. I'll take it" least.

Final Fantasy 7 Chapter 3 - There are two choices related to Tifa in this chapter. The choice for Tifa's dress is mostly inconsequential, save her appearance later and a trophy. The "what it'll be" choice likely has something to do with Tifa's chapter 14 scene, so choose "something hard" to increase chances for it or "not in the mood" if aiming for someone else's. It's a nice symmetrical set up in that Tifa's choice deals with drinks, while Aerith's choice deals with flowers.

After these 3 chapters, players will have a solid chunk of the game that'll go by without any serious choices. There are some decisions to be had in Final Fantasy 7 chapter 4 and 8 after this point, but as they don't matter to chapter 14 or have any real influence, those are being skipped here.

Final Fantasy 7 Chapter 9: Sidequests and Choices

ff7 tifa and aerith

Chapter 9 of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake opens up with a ton of Odd Jobs to complete, as well as a variety of choices to make. The most pertinent either to consequence of the Chapter 14 scenes follow. Completing certain Odd Jobs will eliminate others, meaning chapter select will be required to get the FF7 Remake trophy here, but otherwise, the majority of them are minor.

The Girl We're Looking for Choice - For the highest chance to see Tifa's cutscene, select "she's in great shape." To see someone else's, choose "she's great at handling the books."

Stay the Night? - It's undetermined if this influences chapter 14 yet, but choices here reflect Cloud's relationship with Aerith. "How Much" will lead to her disapproval, while the other two options "...No, thanks" or "Back Off" are met with some agreeance.

How is Aerith's Outfit - This choices carries some influences on the two quests received later but could possibly build some influence with Aerith. "It matter what I think" is not the choice to gain approval with Aerith, with "it's alright' seemingly being the most positive, and "looks comfortable" elicits a snide and playful response.

There's a few other choices found in chapter, namely agreeing with Johnny, choosing a course, choosing heads or tails with Chocobo Sam, and "What is That Situation," but they have have no influence or serious, unavoidable consequence.

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Final Fantasy 7 Chapter 10 and 16

final fantasy 7 remake barret limit break

Following chapter 9, there are a few choices like the stairs or elevator that can be made with no real influence. At this point, players are nearing the consequences of their decisions, which are detailed next. However, there are two choices players should be aware of before/after then.

In chapter 10, it's not a dialog choice, but players will have to check on either Tifa or Aerith first. This seemingly arbitrary choice could influence Chapter 14 and plays a different cutscene depending upon who is spoken to first, but the safest bet is to check on whoever's scene is the most preferred for Final Fantasy 7 Remake's resolution scene.

In chapter 16, players will be given the chance to give 10,000 Gil to Hart. Save up the Gil by then and make sure to pay him. It's worth it, and this is practically the final decision before beating Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Final Fantasy 7 Chapter 14 Resolution Scene, Chapter 18 Consequences

ff7 chapter 14

The outcome of these choices are seen in two different, distinct moments, with the biggest being the Chapter 14 resolution seen. Without spoiling much, players get a special scene related to Tifa, Aerith, or Barret based on choices made thus far. The play log will actually record how many of these scenes are received by the player, so completionists may want to consider how they could do this in the fewest playthroughs. Simply put, siding or making the right choices for Tifa leads to her scene, the right choices for Aerith lead to hers, but Barret is sort of the catch-all. Players will receive Barret's by making the disagreeable decisions with Tifa's choices such as the drink, Aerith's choices like the flower, and ignoring many of the side quests.

Finally, as Final Fantasy 7 Remake players try their hand at the final boss of the game, they will be solo at first and joined later by their party members in an order discerned from the above decisions. It's not the biggest consequence, but it is a nice touch to the end of the game that helps set up what's to follow, as essentially, a new Final Fantasy 7 timeline is set up by the very idea of making one's own decisions.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is out now for PS4.

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Source: RPGSite