For the most part, each entry into the massive and decade-spanning Final Fantasy franchise has its own unique story and original cast of characters. Most installments have presented their own world for players to explore with specific systems and societies to navigate, while still maintaining the essence of a Final Fantasy title. With over six years since the last mainline entry was released, Final Fantasy 16 is finally on the way, introducing gamers once more to a brand-new world and thrilling adventure.

First announced during Sony's 2020 PlayStation 5 showcase, Final Fantasy 16 commanded the attention of fans with a substantive trailer and look at a medieval fantasy world that seemed to evoke similar settings to previous Final Fantasy games. After this initial glimpse, Square Enix has remained fairly quiet on the upcoming title, but in recent months it has started to ramp up the focus on Final Fantasy 16 once more, with details of the game's story, gameplay, and characters.

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The Setting And Story


Final Fantasy 16 is set in Valisthea, a fantasy world full of magic where mountains of crystals – known as Mothercrystals – protect the inhabitants and let them lead prosperous lives. Despite the fairly idyllic nature of the world, several key factions that control the various kingdoms and regions are engaged in a war. These factions include the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, the Kingdom of Waloed, the Dhalmekian Republic, the Iron Kingdom, and the Crystalline Dominion, and their conflict has helped to shape the war-torn lands.

Similar to some previous Final Fantasy games, Final Fantasy 16 will feature summoned monsters, referred to in Valisthea as Eikons. In Final Fantasy 16, Eikons can be controlled by or manifested through specific humans known as Dominants, and players were given a glimpse of their power in the "Awakening" trailer as the icy Shiva took on the earthy giant Titan. In addition to the growing tensions between the factions, a Blight has begun to spread throughout Valisthea, which was one of the factors that have contributed to antagonistic relations and led to the war.

Each faction appears to have its own Eikon, although some images and names have been redacted or hidden in promotional material to help maintain an air of mystery around Final Fantasy 16. The footage in the trailer that focuses on an older Clive's experiences in battle suggests that he's joined another kingdom, one that is tied to the Eikon Titan which could suggest an affiliation with the Dhalmekian Republic. Clive's quest for revenge still remains largely secretive, but he does claim he will bring an end to the "legacy of the crystals," which has shaped their history for far too long.

The Main Characters


The story centers on two brothers – Clive and Joshua Rosfield, children of the Archduke of Rosaria. Clive is the older brother and immensely protective of the younger Joshua, who despite not being the firstborn has nevertheless inherited the power of the Eikon Phoenix and is its Dominant. Looking to find his own place after his younger brother became the heir apparent to Rosaria thanks to his abilities, Clive dedicated himself to becoming a formidable fighter instead. Due to his hard work, Clive won a tournament and became the First Shield of Rosaria, charged with defending the Phoenix while still just a child himself.

Final Fantasy 16 appears to start around this time, with Clive as a fifteen-year-old boy navigating his responsibilities as the First Shield. He experiences a horrific tragedy at the hands of a dark Eikon called Ifrit, and the rest of the game follows his bitter quest for revenge. Final Fantasy 16's first trailer seems to suggest that Ifrit may kill or at least seriously injure Joshua, but it remains to be seen what tragic event sparks Clive's journey for vengeance.

Clive and Joshua also have a childhood friend named Jill Warwick, who is a ward of Rosaria from the Northern Territories. She's presented as a foster sister to the two boys and is seen briefly in the trailer for Final Fantasy 16. Not much is known about Jill and the role she might play in the game – she could be another victim of the tragedy that sets Clive on his quest, but fans do have a few theories of their own.

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Fan Theories

final fantasy 16 jill

The details of Final Fantasy 16 remain fairly scarce ahead of the game's launch, so fans have been left to fill in a lot of the gaps in the story and the world's lore themselves. Brief teasers in the trailer, details around the characters, and previous knowledge of established Final Fantasy lore have helped to give rise to several theories about Final Fantasy 16. One prevailing theory is that Clive may actually be Ifrit's Dominant, with similarities in the designs of the two prompting some fans to make the comparison. With the trailer titled "Awakening," others are seeing this as Clive's realization of his own Dominant status, rather than something connected with Joshua's already-established power.

Others think that the game is setting Jill up to be one of Final Fantasy 16's antagonists. Despite her closeness with Clive and Joshua, she's in their kingdom as a hostage of sorts to ensure peace with the Northern Territories, so this might cause problems down the line when she is older and realizes her own precarious position. As a princess in her own realm, Jill might come to resent the fall in status her removal to Rosaria brings, leading to even more bitter feelings towards the Rosfields.

With each kingdom and faction appearing to be represented by an Eikon, fans are busy guessing which ones will feature throughout the game. Some have already been confirmed, like Phoenix, Shiva, and Titan, while others remain a mystery. Some players have hypothesized that Odin may be tied to the Kingdom of Waloed, as its banner features a horse with multiple legs that is often associated with the character. With Final Fantasy 16's focus on politics and warring powers, the protagonist Clive will probably come into contact with each of the six factions at some point, or at least deal with them in significant ways. If this is the case, each area's Eikon could either be a way for Clive to amass different powers, gain allies, or even face up to some formidable bosses.

Final Fantasy 16 is in development for PS5.

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