Although Bethesda’s Fallout 76 has just been released a few days ago, the game soon found itself bombarded by negative user reviews. Now, to make matters worse for the game, some players are already using cheats to shortcut their way to nukes.

While Fallout 76 takes place in a post-apocalyptic wasteland ravaged by nuclear devastation, there are still areas in the game’s world where players can find silos with fully-functional nukes as previously seen in the beta test. When a player successfully fires a nuke in specific locations on the map, a limited time event will commence where enemies in affected areas will become stronger and leave behind rare loot when defeated.

Of course, given the rewards that players may get from this, Bethesda ensured that the process would be a little bit complicated. Players first need to obtain the correct codes and decipher them via clues found in the game before launching a nuclear weapon.


Now, those players who are able to crack the codes began releasing cheat programs that decrypt them automatically. A program called NukaCrypt takes a fragment of the nuclear code collected by players to generate a decrypted one. Using this program removes the decryption process and allows players to quickly access nuclear weapons and detonate them on the map.

Ever since Bethesda revealed the inclusion of nukes in the beta, players began to worry that some may use them as a way to grief others. The publisher then clarified that these weapons are not tools for players to engage in PvP. Instead, they are placed there to encourage players to engage in teamwork and cooperation.

Although these types of programs make it easier to decrypt codes, obtaining them in the first place is still a dangerous task. Players must first complete the Enclave storyline, infiltrate silos that are heavily guarded, and collect keycards from Enclave dropships to access terminals to input the codes. Currently, Bethesda is still yet to react on the presence of these cheat programs, and it is yet to be seen whether the publisher will take action by re-working the deciphering process, or by introducing additional hoops for players to go through.

Fallout 76 is now available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Kotaku