Being the first online multiplayer game in the Fallout franchise, Fallout 76 has various expectations from both developers and fans, and the quality of Bethesda's first attempt at a non-single player Fallout experience is, no doubt, in question. However, Bethesda's choice to avoid Steam is an interesting one, and could be the right move.

Just over two months ago Bethesda announced that its most anticipated game of 2018, Fallout 76, would not launch on Steam, but would only be available on PC through Bethesda's launcher. The surprising news meant that Fallout 76 would be the first game in the Fallout franchise to not be available on Valve's platform, and fans were left without an explanation. Now, two months later, Bethesda's Pete Hines has revealed that this choice was based on Fallout 76 being a 'service', rather than just a game.

Explaining in his interview, Hines says Bethesda kept the game off steam for service and simplification. In September, Hines famously stated that support for Fallout 76 would go on 'forever', while labeling it a service, instead of a run-of-the-mill, short-lived game. Bethesda felt that as Fallout's first online multiplayer RPG, Fallout 76 should provide direct communication between players and developers, with no middle-man or third-party involved. Hines stated that communication issues have been a problem in the past, but the hope is that this direct communication will provide simplicity and solve those issues.

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In the past few years, the labeling of games as a service has become increasingly popular and accepted; games like Destiny 2, Fortnite, and The Division are prime examples of popular services. By providing add-on content continually throughout the game's lifespan, developers have discovered that this method of a service, if done right, can be overwhelmingly successful. Epic Games has popularized the free-to-play method with Fortnite's battle royale mode, by releasing a free game, but providing new add-on content regularly and efficiently, and players can expect to see more games released in the future that follow this method.

Although it is difficult to predict the quality that fans will receive with Fallout 76 at launch, it should be given a chance. While Bethesda's lack of experience with online multiplayer survival RPGs can be taken into consideration, fans should not forget that Bethesda is one of the most successful and esteemed developers in the gaming industry, and it is professional enough to deliver on its promises. Fans can expect a typical online survival RPG that will provide endless fun with friends, but luckily for those who wanted a new Fallout single-player experience, Todd Howard did state that Fallout 5 will focus on single-player. Though the fifth installment in the Fallout franchise will likely not be for another few years.

Fallout 76 releases on November 14 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: WccfTech