As one of the T-Series base models, T-45 is a standard Power Armor with a max protection of 360 (for Physical, Electrical, and Radiation damage), and it’s considered one of the best early-game PAs in Fallout 76, thanks to its high spawn rate.

But where can beginner players find one? This guide has the coordinates and everything else that players need to know about how to obtain the T-45 Power Armor in Bethesda's Fallout 76.

RELATED: Fallout 76: How to Get the X-01 Power Armor

How to Get the T-45 Power Armor in Fallout 76

image showing the best location for t-45 power armor in fallout 76.

Parts of T-45 are found in random Power Armor spawn locations. But to guarantee to get one, investigate Watoga Municipal Center. There are four spawn locations in this area that give at least one T-45 chassis. Another way to get the T-45 PA is by treasure hunting and collecting its plans.

Note that, unlike other Power Armors in Fallout 76, T-45 is a more RNG-based spawn. So, there’s no sure way to get it unless by server-hopping and re-searching the deposit locations.

Acquire an Incomplete Chassis by Server-Hopping

The best way to get the T-45 Power Armor is by server-hopping. For that, players must first search the PA’s spawn locations and, if there were no chassis around, hop to another world to repeat the process.

There’s a great chance of finding at least one incomplete T-45 Power Armor in these areas:

  • The crash site at Watoga Municipal Center.
  • The Watoga Emergency Services’ rooftop.
  • Near the Vertibird across the Watoga Emergency Services.
  • On Watoga High School’s rooftop.

Before server-hopping, ensure that the progress is saved.

Hunt Treasure Maps to Get T-45 Plans

Treasure hunting is the second method for getting the T-45 Power Armor. Find treasure maps in containers or retrieve them from boss creatures and loot them for Power Armor plans. Of course, this method is less reliable than server-hopping because its RNG is much higher. But since treasures give crafting plans (and not one-time-use parts), it’s a better option for the long run.

How to Get the T-45 Modifications

The best way to obtain T-45 mods is by purchasing them at Watoga or Whitespring shopping centers. In Watoga, talk to Vendor Bot Phoenix to get the T-Series modifications, and in Whitespring, buy them from the Protectron vendor.

Since the T-45 mods are purchasable via Caps, players can use Charisma perks to get discounts and get them for a lower price. Hard Bargain is an excellent perk card for that.

Fallout 76 is available now for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

MORE: Fallout 76: How to Get the Chinese Stealth Armor