Bethesda has been updating Fallout 76 for some time. Just yesterday, they updated the game again and added custom worlds for players to enjoy. Despite there being a ton of updates to Fallout 76 since it was released, players have still figured out how to perform the infamous duplication glitch.

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This glitch has been in the game since it was released and players always figure out a new way to perform it. It seems that Bethesda can never get it completely patched out. Now the glitch requires the extra C.A.M.P. feature and a few fast reflexes.

Place Down Your C.A.M.P.

Fallout 76 CAMP device in field

First things first, players will need to place down their first C.A.M.P. Find a place that has some level ground in an open area. The dried-out lake around New Gad works pretty well. Once the C.A.M.P. is placed down, players then need to place down a few platforms to stand on.

One is big enough to fit everything the player will need on it. Next, place down a Collectron. The model of Collectron doesn't matter. Any of them will do. Just keep one thing in mind, whatever is being duplicated, the Collectron will need to be set to that mode. If a player is trying to duplicate scrap, set the Collectron to harvest junk.

Copy Step One

Fallout 76 Collectron robot leaving station

Yep, that's right. Repeat the first step by going into the menu and changing over to the second C.A.M.P. Place the second C.A.M.P. down wherever the first one was placed.

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Place down another platform and Collectron station that matches the other camp. After getting both of the Collectron stations set up, players will have everything they need to perform the glitch.

Stall For Time

Fallout 76 players playing instruments on stage

Now that the Collectrons are all set up and searching for junk, weapons, whatever, players need to stall for time. Run out into the world and do event missions, quests, whatever the player wants until the Collectron is full. Players don't need to wait until they Collectron is full, but they will get more items out of it if it is.


Fallout 76 player collecting items from Collectron Robot station

Now that the Collectron has all the items the player needs, return to the C.A.M.P. and get ready for a tricky maneuver. Players need to set up their sights on the Collectron's station so they are viewing its inventory. Go into the menu and switch over to the other C.A.M.P. Tap the transfer button as fast as possible multiple times after switch C.A.M.P.s.

This should transfer everything from the Collectron into the player's inventory before bringing up the second C.A.M.P. Now players can either wait for the second Collectron to fill up so they can do the glitch back to back, or they can swap back to the other C.A.M.P. they just collected items from. The items should still be in the first Collectron. Keep repeating until the desired amount is achieved.

Fallout 76 was released in 2018 and is available on PC, PlaysStation 4, and Xbox One.

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