Bethesda reveals that the next Fallout 4 expansion is getting a sneak peek via Twitch, with a stream coming from the publisher next week that details what players can expect.

Contrary to what the gaming world might seem to indicate over the past few days, there are, in fact, other games people can enjoy other than the ridiculously popular Pokemon GO. Some of those titles experienced a similar level of success upon their release, too - it can be easy to forget amidst the buzz of all the newer games on the market that Fallout 4 was one of last year's most important video game triumphs. Luckily for the many fans of the Bostonian-influenced post-apocalyptic RPG, Bethesda has some more Fallout 4 content left to share.

While Vault Dwellers wait on Fallout 4's last expansion, Nuka World, Bethesda has developed something smaller to help make the anticipation more bearable. The upcoming Vault-Tec Workshop expansion comes out later this month, and Bethesda is going to give fans a sneak peek of the content even sooner than that, as the publisher announced today that it would host a Twitch stream on Tuesday, July 12 to showcase what Vault-Tec Workshop has to offer.

Although the broadcast will shed some more light on the fine details of the July expansion, there is some basic information about Vault-Tec Workshop readily available already. Vault-Tec Workshop will be priced at a highly competitive $5 USD, and will allow players to create what Bethesda has referred to as a massive Vault. Gamers can then outfit their new Vault with a number of new items, and will also be allowed to conduct experiments on their own dwellers, an intended feature that should help mitigate instances of Fallout 4 companion torture.

Of course, while Vault-Tec Workshop is an exciting addition to an already gigantic game world, the expansion is admittedly on a much smaller scale than something like Fallout 4 Far Harbor or the Nuka World expansion that is on the horizon as well. Fallout 4 players can beat the game without ever being hit, an impressive feat that also suggests there are some hardcore fans out there who are in desperate need of some new content.

Vault-Tec Workshop should be a nice appetizer, however, the smaller yet nonetheless compelling morsel before the feast that will be Nuka World. Those looking to get an even earlier taste test of what to expect in the soon-to-be-released Vault-Tec Workshop before it actually releases now have that option - and it's yet another example of the ways in which Bethesda has proven itself to be deft at catering to fans long after a game's initial launch has come and gone.

Fallout 4Vault-Tec Workshop will be available later this month for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Twitter (via Game Spot)