In The Evil Within, players were tasked with finding keys to open locker doors back at their safe house to earn helpful items. In The Evil Within 2, players are once again asked to scour the game world for keys, which are hidden inside statues that can be destroyed with a melee attack.

Finding all 32 locker keys in The Evil Within 2 is no easy task. The bulk of the locker keys are missable, so if players advance the story too far, they will have to restart the game completely to find them. There are some that can be found in the game's open world areas at numerous points throughout the story, but even so, players will want to consider using a video guide to ensure they don't miss any.

As far as locker key video guides go, we recommend the following guide put together by PowerPyx. By following this video guide, players will ensure that they earn both the Half the Stash and Locksmith achievements/trophies in The Evil Within 2, plus they will be much better prepared to take on the game's nightmarish creatures, like the Giggling Guardian, for instance.

It's worth pointing out that earning the aforementioned achievements/trophies requires players do more than just find the locker keys. They also have to open every single locker in the game, all of which can be found in Sebastian's room. To access the lockers, sit in the wheelchair that's down the hall from the workbench and shooting range. This will transport Sebastian into what appears to be Beacon Hospital, the setting of the first game.

While here, Sebastian will be strapped to a chair and can only look around. Players can chat with Nurse Tatiana if they so wish, as well as upgrade Sebastian's abilities using the red and green gels they can find throughout their adventures. All 32 lockers are located here as well, just to Sebastian's left.

Unfortunately, while players have the illusion of choice here, they will earn every item in the same order regardless of which lockers they open. Even so, knowing when one will earn each item can definitely help with developing strategies for progressing through the game, especially on higher difficulties. Considering this, we've decided to list out the items players will earn from the lockers right here:

  1. Gun Powder (10)
  2. Shotgun Shells (6)
  3. Handgun Bullets (15)
  4. Weapon Parts (100)
  5. Medical Syringe
  6. Medical Kit
  7. Green Gel (3,000)
  8. Gun Powder (30)
  9. Harpoon Bolt
  10. Shock Bolt
  11. Green Gell (5,000)
  12. Harpoon Bolt
  13. Explosive Bolt
  14. Smoke Bolt
  15. Shotgun Shells (5)
  16. Weapon Parts (150)
  17. Sniper Rifle Cartridges (6)
  18. Green Gel (10,000)
  19. Gun Powder (50)
  20. Red Gel
  21. Freeze Bolt
  22. Explosive Bolt
  23. Weapon Parts (200)
  24. Assault Rifle Cartridges (60)
  25. Green Gel (15,000)
  26. Freeze Bolt
  27. Gun Powder (40)
  28. High-Grade Weapon Parts
  29. Medical Syringe
  30. Shock Bolt
  31. Weapon Parts (350)
  32. Green Gel (30,000)

Out of all the collectibles in The Evil Within 2, the locker keys are worth the effort. Not only will they net players a couple of achievements/trophies, but they also give them a serious leg-up against the Union's various horrors. Collecting all the keys and opening all the lockers will give players significant green gel reserves that can be used to hugely improve Sebastian's combat prowess and durability, not to mention a healthy supply of firepower.

With all the locker keys found, players will stand a much better shot at surviving the horrors of Union and The Evil Within 2. But if they hope to fully understand the game's story, they will also want to collect all the photographic slides and files as well. In any case, finding everything should be much easier with all the locker items available.

The Evil Within 2 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.