Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon is one of the demigods in Elden Ring, and players will battle her in the grand library of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. After defeating Rennala in this legacy dungeon, fans will need to make a decision about what to do next, and indeed there is a great deal of content available at this point in the game.

This guide will assume that the reader wants to see everything that Elden Ring has to offer, including its optional questlines and secret areas. After Liurnia, assuming the player has defeated Godrick, there's still plenty left to do before the next major required boss.

Updated July 16, 2023 by Erik Petrovich: When it comes to where to go after Rennala, there are a few distinct choices. But simply exploring areas like Liurnia and Caelid are not all players can do after beating Rennala. The Carian Queen is typically players' second major Shardbearer downed, after Godrick, which opens up a ton of the game with the new addition of Leyndell. There's still a lot to get done in these "early" Elden Ring areas, though, including everything from simply progression of several NPC questlines to defeating the big bad of Caelid, General Radahn. Players left wondering where to go after beating Rennala in Elden Ring will find plenty to do in the areas they've yet avoided, and in the hidden nooks of zones they thought were explored.

Continue Several Elden Ring NPC Questlines

elden ring hyetta

In Elden Ring after Rennala is defeated, it's not a bad idea to go back and continue the stories of NPCs found throughout Liurnia, Limgrave, and even Caelid. There are plenty of NPCs to find in and around Raya Lucaria, as well as a few that can only be continued in Caelid and Limgrave.

Be sure to meet up with Varre, Yura, and Diallos in their original locations in Limgrave and the Roundtable Hold before attempting to find them after beating Rennala. They will only move to their new locations in Liurnia and beyond after meeting each NPC in these spots, first.

  • Initiate Ranni's questline in Elden Ring, after completing Caria Manor. Fans should also stop by Seluvis's Rise, which is just southeast of Ranni's, to start his questline.
  • Complete several steps in Hyetta's questline in Elden Ring, where she is found just outside Stormveil, the Purified Ruins, Gatetown Bridge, and the Bellum Church.
  • Continue Yura's questline in Elden Ring.
  • Visit the Rose Church to the south of Raya Lucaria Academy to continue Varre's questline.
  • Start Rya's questline in Elden Ring by speaking with her just east of the Scenic Isle Site of Grace.
  • Continue Nepehli Loux's questline in the Village of the Albinaurics.
  • Talk to Diallos in Academy Gate Town southeast of the Academy of Raya Lucaria.
  • Begin Latenna's questline at the end of the Lakeside Crystal Cave - just remember to not take the teleporter back to the dungeon's entrance, as she is found with her wolf just a few steps beyond the boss room, near a grace that can only be reached through this mini-dungeon.

Defeat General Radahn (& Other Major Bosses)

Elden Ring Radahn Fight FromSoftware's Next Game Should Take Further

For most players in Elden Ring Rennala is the second major boss to fall, and the second Shardbearer most Tarnished defeat. Godrick is easier to get to from the beginning of the game, but the reward for beating Rennala – the ability to re-spec – is one players should get out of the way before too long.

One answer to where to go after Rennala is other demigods, the most feared of which is arguably General Radahn. However, players only need two Great Runes to access Leyndell, and can just as easily head towards Morgott, the Omen King instead. Radahn is technically an optional boss if the game is approached this way, as Morgott's death unlocks access to the Mountaintops of Giants and the Forge of Giants.

Explore Liurnia of the Lakes

elden ring after beating rennala

Before leaving Liurnia of the Lakes, players should perform a thorough exploration of the area, especially if it wasn't explored before taking on Raya Lucaria itself. There are some things that really ought to be done before heading to the Altus Plateau, because later in the game these areas become laughably easy.

There's plenty to do here, including an entire other Legacy Dungeon, maybe a dozen dungeons, and plenty of interesting locations to check out - for both loot and incredible vistas. Some major locations to go to first in Liurnia after Rennala include the following suggestions:

  • Complete Caria Manor, a Legacy Dungeon at the northwest corner of Liurnia.
  • Take a trip to the Village of the Albinaurics in the southwest corner of Liurnia and search for the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right).
  • Complete the Lakeside Crystal Cave, but don't take the teleporter quite yet, as there's a questline nearby to complete

Explore Caelid

elden ring after beating rennala

After taking care of Liurnia, players are free to head to Caelid, the area to the east of Limgrave. Fans can reach Caelid by following the path that runs along the north side of Limgrave, or by taking the teleporting chest beneath Limgrave's Dragonburnt Ruins to the Sellia Crystal Tunnel.

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Note, though, that the first route to Caelid features a number of monstrous dogs and birds, and the second route takes players to the center of the Aeonian Swamp, the heart of the Scarlet Rot. Ignoring the horrors, there's plenty of adventure to be had here, especially if you didn't kill Godrick – in which case Radahn may be your second Great Rune target.

  • Continue Alexander Iron Fist's questline by exploring the Gael Tunnel in west Caelid - he can also be encountered from the other side, though you won't be able to open the door.
  • Explore Sellia, Town Of Sorcery, through which players can access the upper levels of Caelid, the Church of the Plague, and the Dragonbarrow.
  • Work on Millicent's questline in Elden Ring, which begins with a trip to Gowry's Shack to the east of the Aeonia Swamp and features several steps that take place in Caelid.
  • Visit Fort Faroth in the Dragonbarrow, a sub-area of Caelid, and collect the Dectus Medallion (Right).
  • Travel to the Bestial Sanctum in the northeast corner of the Dragonbarrow. It's easier to get here through D's questline, though, which teleports players from Limgrave.

Explore Ainsel River and Siofra River

elden ring after beating rennala

Trips to two underground locations are the final acts that players should perform before visiting the legacy dungeon with the third demigod.

The first underground location is Ainsel River, which can be accessed through the Ainsel River Well to the north of the Study Hall in east Liurnia. Though the majority of this area, and several connected areas, can't be accessed until later, this initial part of the Ainsel River is well worth exploring for crafting materials, some unique armaments and armors, and a visually-upsetting boss.

The other location is the Siofra River, which can be accessed through the Siofra River Well near the Minor Erdtree in the Mistwood of Limgrave. Players should make sure that they find Elden Ring's Blaidd in the Siofra River before leaving, especially if Ranni the Witch's questline has been started. This area is considered by many to be the most beautiful in the game, so take your time and try not to die to the archers.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S.

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