Players will encounter numerous Walking Mausoleums as they explore Elden Ring's Lands Between, and they have the ability to duplicate Remembrances. That said, each Walking Mausoleum in Elden Ring can only be used once, and there are just seven of them to be found across the map. This means that players will not be able to duplicate every Remembrance in the game, as there are 15 of them in total, and some fans may wonder which ones they should prioritize.

Elden Ring: What Remembrance Should You Duplicate

To begin, it is important to state that there is no single Remembrance in Elden Ring that every player should duplicate. This is because the rewards that can be claimed by trading Remembrances to Enia in Roundtable Hold vary wildly from one Remembrance to the next, and the desirability of those rewards will depend entirely on a player's build and interests. As such, the first step toward deciding if a Remembrance should be duplicated is to check its associated rewards, and that can be done by following these steps:

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  • Talk to Enia in Roundtable Hold
  • Select "Receive power from remembrance."
  • Select a Remembrance and review its associated "Received Powers."

If, during this process, a player discovers that both of a Remembrance's rewards are desirable, then that is a Remembrance that they should duplicate. Indeed, duplication allows Elden Ring fans to receive both powers from a Remembrance, though there is one very important caveat here: it is not possible to claim two copies of the same Remembrance reward on a single playthrough. This means that a player cannot dual wield two Axes of Godrick, as an example, during their first playthrough, though that does become possible in NG+.

elden ring roundtable hold grace site

On the other side of things, if a player finds that none of the Remembrances in the game have two powers that are of interest, or they have Walking Mausoleums to spare, then they can simply duplicate the Remembrances that have the highest Rune values. The Elden Remembrance, the Remembrance of the Blasphemous, and the Remembrance of the Rot God all meet that criteria, as they each sell for 50,000 Runes. Fans are advised to hold off on using their duplications in this way, though, as there are many other opportunities to earn Runes fast in Elden Ring.

One final thing to mention is that two of Elden Ring's Walking Mausoleums do not have bells, and they are not capable of duplicating Remembrances that come from demigod bosses. Those Mausoleums are located in the Mausoleum Compound in Liurnia, and the Remembrances that they cannot duplicate are as follows: Grafted, Full Moon Queen, Starscourge, Omen King, Blasphemous, Rot Goddess, Blood Lord. Players that are interested in duplicating any of these Remembrances should thus make sure to reserve Mausoleums with bells for them.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S.

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