Elden Ring is home to some of the most terrifying creatures in gaming history. Players will stumble upon unique enemies while exploring The Lands Between, including armored knights, bears, undead skeletons, giant bats, and many others. Moreover, Elden Ring has more than 100 bosses, including the likes of Magma Wyrm, Crucible Knight, and Godskin Apostle, which make the game even more challenging.

Devs have added several powerful weapons to Elden Ring to combat these formidable bosses, including swords, battle axes, maces, spears, and much more. Some of these weapons are overpowered when used with the optimum build and stats. For instance, a staff would work better with an intelligence build, while colossal weapons would suit a strength-based character. One of the most famous and powerful weapons in Elden Ring is the Envoy's Long Horn, as shown by a video uploaded on Reddit.

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Reddit user TubaThompson uploaded a short video on the social platform showcasing the true might of Envoy's Long Horn against Dragonlord Placidusax, arguably the strongest dragon boss. The video begins with the user buffing themselves with the Flame Grant Me Strength incantation in Elden Ring that boosts fire affinity attack power. The player approaches Dragonlord, who is preparing for an all-out assault on them. As soon as the user is in the dragon's vicinity, they bombard Dragonlord Placidusax with the Bubble Shower skill, the special attack of Envoy's Long Horn. This attack deals massive amounts of damage to the dragon, thousands per single hit, draining the enemy's health bar rapidly.

After a couple of successful hits, Dragonlord Placidusax begins to stagger after losing over half its health bar. TubaThompson takes advantage of this and continues their barrage of Bubble Shower attacks, killing the dragon in a few seconds. The entire fight lasted a little over 20 seconds, with the user emerging victorious without taking a single hit. The final few seconds of the video show the user performing the Triumphant Delight gesture to mock the Elden Ring dragon.

The post eventually caught the attention of the massive Elden Ring community on Reddit, who showed their appreciation via hundreds of upvotes and comments in a single day. Most users praised the weapon choice and pointed out that Envoy's Long Horn is one of the highest DPS weapons in Elden Ring.

For those unaware, Envoy's Long Horn is a great hammer that scales with dexterity, strength, and faith. Players can get this weapon by killing the Large Oracle Envoy in Leyndell and Miquella's Haligtree. The Bubble Shower skill in the video releases several magic bubbles that deal a high amount of damage and are incredibly effective against large targets like Dragonlord Placidusax.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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