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The Underground Region can be accessed by traveling through one of the wells scattered around the world of Elden Ring, or by using a certain teleport waygate. There are three main sections in the Underground Region, which are Deeproot Depths, Ainsel River, and Siofra River.

RELATED: Elden Ring: Where to Find Blaidd in the Siofra River Well

Exploring in Elden Ring can get complicated at times due to its massive world and the sheer amount of bosses. Additionally, players tend to focus more on the upper-ground bosses like Rennala and completely forget that there’s an underground area that’s filled with equally important bosses like Mohg, Lord of Blood.

Upgraded on June 6, 2023, by Nahda Nabiilah: There are numerous underground areas in Elden Ring that players can explore at their leisure. The entrances to the underground are a bit scattered around the map, so Tarnished might need to take a long elevator down to Siofra River or reach Nokron by defeating General Radahn. As mentioned before, the underground in Elden Ring is split into many areas and each one possesses a certain number of bosses. Some are easier than others whereas some are related to Quests like Astel, Naturalborn of the Void (Ranni the Witch Quest), or Lichdragon Fortissax (Fia the Deathbed Companion Quest).

All Underground Region Bosses, Locations, And Drops In Elden Ring

some underground region bosses in elden ring

Each location in the Underground Region can be divided into various sub-regions that each have a different number of bosses.

Fia's Champions

fia's champion in elden ring



  • Poison
  • Scarlet Rot
  • Hemorrhage
  • Frostbite
  • 40,000 Runes
  • Fia’s Mist

Upon progressing in Fia, the Deathbed Companion Quest in Elden Ring, players will eventually arrive in Deeproot Depths by using a coffin. This boss can be found in an open area near the Across the Roots Site of Lost Grace. It consists of three phases, so make sure to use the Flasks wisely. Defeating Fia’s Champions rewards 40,000 Runes and Fia’s Mist.

RELATED: RELATED: Elden Ring: How To Get To Deeproot Depths

Lichdragon Fortissax

lichdragon Fortissax in elden ring



  • Pierce Damage
  • 90,000 Runes
  • Remembrance of the Lichdragon

The Lichdragon Fortissax seems to be guarding Godwyn, the Golden’s corpse, in the Prince of Death’s Throne. The only way to fight it is by acquiring the Cursemark of Death from the Divine Tower of Liurnia, which is possible after giving Ranni Nokron’s hidden treasure.

After defeating Fia’s Champions and giving her the cursemark, speak with Fia three times and then enter her dreams. There, players will fight Lichdragon Fortissax who drops 90,000 Runes, and the Remembrance of the Lichdragon upon its defeat.

Crucible Knight Siluria

crucible Knight siluria in elden ring



  • Fire Damage
  • Lightning Damage
  • 25,000 Runes
  • Siluria's Tree

Siluria is one of the two most powerful Crucible Knights in the Lands Between. She can be found in Deeproot Depths northwest of The Nameless Eternal City Site of Lost Grace. Upon killing her, she drops 25,000 Runes and an Elden Ring weapon, Siluria's Tree.

Erdtree Avatar

deeproot depths erdtree Avatar in elden ring



  • Strike Damage
  • Fire Damage
  • 10,000 Runes
  • Staff of the Avatar

By defeating the Gargoyles Duo and using the coffin to reach Deeproot Depths, the first boss players will encounter is the Erdtree Avatar walking around near the Great Waterfall Crest Site of Lost Grace. This boss drops 10,000 Runes and Staff of the Avatar.

Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella

dragonkin Soldier of nokstella in elden ring



  • Slash Damage
  • 12,000 Runes
  • Frozen Lightning Spear

As the name suggests, Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella is an optional boss found in Nokstella, Eternal City, which is a sub-region of Ainsel River. Defeating the Dragonkin Soldier rewards players with 12,000 Runes and an Elden Ring Incantation, Frozen Lightning Spear.

Dragonkin Soldier

dragonkin Soldier in elden ring



  • Slash Damage

Lake of Rot:

  • 58,000 Runes
  • Dragonscale Blade

Siofra River:

  • 16,000 Runes
  • Dragon Halberd

There are two Dragonkin Soldiers in the Underground area; one is southeast of the Lake of Rot Shoreside Site of Lost Grace in Ainsel River that drops 58,000 Runes and Dragonscale Blade, while the other is southwest of the Siofra Aqueduct in Siofra River, which drops 16,000 Runes and Dragon Halberd.

Astel, Naturalborn Of The Void

astel, naturalborn of the void in elden ring



  • Standard Damage
  • Slash Damage
  • Strike Damage
  • Pierce Damage
  • 80,000 Runes
  • Remembrance of the Naturalborn

Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, is the creature that destroyed the Eternal City once long ago. The boss mostly does gravity attacks in Elden Ring and some are lethal. Astel can be found after taking a coffin ‌in the Grand Cloister, Ainsel River. Defeating the Naturalborn of the Void rewards 80,000 Runes and Remembrance of the Naturalborn.

The Valiant Gargoyle Duo

valiant gargoyles duo in elden ring



  • Strike Damage
  • 30,000 Runes
  • Gargoyle's Greatsword
  • Gargoyle's Twinblade

In the deepest parts of the Siofra Aqueduct, within the Siofra River, there are two Valiant Gargoyles as a boss; one wields the Twinblade while the other wields the Greatsword. At the start of the fight, the former appears alone, and the latter joins after some time. Killing the two Valiant Gargoyles drops 30,000 Runes, Gargoyle's Greatsword, and Gargoyle's Twinblade.

Regal Ancestor Spirit

regal ancestor spirit in elden ring



  • Fire Damage
  • Holy Damage
  • 24,000 Runes
  • Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor

To get to the Regal Ancestor Spirit, Tarnished needs to complete a couple of steps to reach the boss room. Six pillars need to be activated to fight the Regal Ancestor Spirit in Hallowhorn Grounds, Nokron the Eternal City. Slaying the boss rewards 24,000 Runes and Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor.

Mimic Tear

mimic tear in elden ring



  • Varies according to players’ build.
  • 10,000 Runes
  • Larval Tears x2
  • Silver Tear Mask

Mimic Tear is probably the most interesting boss in Elden Ring. During this boss fight, players will face an exact copy of themselves in Nokron, the Eternal City. Defeating drops 10,000 Runes, two Larval Tears, and a Silver Tear Mask.

Ancestor Spirit

ancestor spirit in elden ring



  • Fire Damage
  • Holy Damage
  • 13,000 Runes
  • Ancestral Follower Ashes

Like the Regal Ancestor Spirit, the Ancestor Spirit boss needs pillars to be activated to access the boss fight. However, instead of six pillars, the Ancestor Spirit requires eight. After defeating the boss, players will get 13,000 Runes and Ancestral Follower Ashes.

Mohg, Lord Of Blood

mohg, lord of blood in elden ring



  • Standard
  • Slash
  • Strike
  • Pierce
  • Hemorrhage
  • 420,000 Runes
  • Mohg's Great Rune
  • Remembrance of the Blood Lord

Mohg, Lord of Blood is a Shardbearer that can be fought in Mohgwyn Palace inside Siofra River. Reaching the palace can be achieved by either advancing in White Mask Varre Questline or using a teleport waygate in Mountaintops of the Giant. The Demigod drops 420,000 Runes, Mohg's Great Rune, and Remembrance of the Blood Lord.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S.

MORE: Complete Guide To Elden Ring: Weapons, Tips, Tricks, Bosses, & Builds