There are a lot of unexpected twists and turns while exploring the Lands Between in Elden Ring, as some items may seem innocent, but it’s not what it seems. In the game, there’s something called a Chest Trap, and the mechanism is triggered by opening a certain chest that releases smoke.

Southwest of Weeping Peninsula, Limgrave, Tarnished can find a lone building called the Tower of Return. The building is surrounded by enemies, and it contains a trap that can teleport Elden Ring players to another late-game area, and they’re allowed to explore a limited section of it.

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How To Get To The Tower Of Return In Elden Ring

tower of return location in elden ring

The Tower of Return is found southwest of the Tombsward Site of Lost Grace in Weeping Peninsula, Limgrave.

walking near walking mausoleum in elden ring

From the bonfire, travel west near the Elden Ring Walking Mausoleum and then circle to the south upon seeing a shack in the distance.

statue of marika location in elden ring

Keep walking south next to the herd of goats, then turn southeast and proceed to the Statue of Marika. The Tower of return should be visible by now up ahead. Approach the building carefully, as it’s heavily guarded by Godrick Soldiers, Wandering Nobles, and most importantly, a Godrick Knight is mounted on a horse and can deal decent damage.

tarnished fighting in elden ring

Luckily, Spirit Ashes are available for this Elden Ring fight, which will make it easier for early-game players. Tarnished can also run through the enemies and quickly reach the tower if desired.

teleporting by a trap chest in elden ring

Upon reaching the top of the Tower of Return, open the Trap Chest to get teleported to the Leyndell Divine Bridge in Leyndell, Royal Capital.

Do note that players can still do this step even after defeating the Fire Giant and burning the Erdtree. However, they’ll teleport to the Ashen City instead of the Royal Capital.

What To Do At The Divine Bridge In Elden Ring

sleeping golem in elden ring

The first step is to light the Divine Bridge Site of Lost Grace and rest to replenish all Sacred Flasks as well as the Flask of Wondrous Physick in Elden Ring. There’s only one way to go, and it’s to the southwest, where a sleeping Golem waits.

fighting the golem in elden ring

The moment players approach the Golem, it’ll wake up and try to kill them. To kill the giant enemy, focus on its legs since it’s the Golem’s weak point and keep hitting until the enemy staggers and falls to the ground.

Approach the core and do a Visceral Attack to do some decent damage. Repeat these steps until the Golem is dead.

blessed dew talisman location in elden ring

Now there is only one thing left to do: open the chest on the right side since the Waygate on the left side is deactivated.

The chest contains the Blessed Dew Talisman, and it’s a very helpful Talisman in Elden Ring. Equipping it will restore HP gradually to the wearer in a slow and steady method. To leave the Divine Bridge, rest at the Site of Lost Grace if not done before, and open the map to fast travel somewhere else.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S.

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